Get Health Benefits Of Cardio Sport

There have been many articles that discuss about the cardio exercises. Cardio exercise a positive impact on health. Cardio is an abbreviation of the word cardiovascular. If interpreted from the dictionary, 'cardiovascular' has meaning everything to do with the heart and blood vessels. So, cardio exercise is an exercise that aims to increase blood flow and increase your heart rate.

This exercise will involve the movement of large muscles to make it strong. For information, the heart also has a set of muscles that help him to work. There are some cardio exercise that you can try, such as swimming, biking, hiking, aerobics, running, and walking.

The main benefits derived from cardio exercise is the blood flow and strengthens the heart. When practicing, the heart will beat faster, so did his muscles are also moving more quickly. If these exercises are done regularly, the heart will become stronger. If the heart is beating faster, automatically the blood flow is also so much faster. In the end the risk of cardiovascular disease such as stroke or heart disease caused by a blockage of small blood vessels become increasingly alias reduced.

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Some Organs That Benefit From Cardio Sports

In addition to blood vessels and the heart, cardio exercises also provide benefits to the organs of the body, such as:


Recent research published in the journal Academy of Neurology showed that people who do cardio with high levels are known to work on cognitive tasks 25% better than those who exercise less. In another study in 2013 published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that those military-style exercise (including cardio in it) are known to increase the brain's ability to remember. The explanation behind these findings is cardio exercise can help improve blood supply to the brain, thereby also increasing its capabilities.


Lungs work by regulating the oxygen and carbon dioxide 'to' and 'from' in the blood. According to Jeremy Barnes, a professor of health management, cardio exercise can improve the body's ability to use oxygen more efficiently, particularly fresh accelerate the rate of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Additionally, cardio exercise can help the lungs work in removing carbon dioxide from the body's cells more optimally.


Professor Ellen Marmur, MD, a dermatologist from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine says that anything that can help facilitate blood circulation can make the skin become more radiant and healthy. As noted previously, cardio exercise can help increase blood flow throughout the body, and this includes the skin. Thus, the skin will ternutrisi well and obtain sufficient oxygen intake. On the other hand, the blood also helps expel toxins, free radicals, and impurities from the skin cells. This ultimately makes so much healthier and avoid premature aging.


Cardio exercise can help you to lose weight. Actually, almost any kind of exercise can help you lose weight. The principle is that if the calories are being used more than diasup, then the weight will drop badanpun. Cardio exercise is also great to shrink the stomach and keep it ideal. For information, the abdominal area is often associated with a higher or lower risk of diabetes type 2. Cardio is one of the best options that you can choose. In addition to burning calories, cardio exercise also helps train the heart and lungs.
