7 Things That Often feared Pregnancy

Awaiting the birth of beloved baby can be a fun and thrilling moment. However, during pregnancy, there are many things that are often feared or feared pregnant women, especially if this is the first experience.

The most important thing to remember is fine, if you are (pregnant) in healthy condition, you do not need to worry too much and panicked. To that end, Alyssa Dweck, M.D., an assistant professor in the department of obstetrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine recommends that pregnant women are more focused to maintain their health rather than worrying about things that are not necessary. "Pregnant women who maintain and optimize her health condition even before pregnancy by exercising, eating healthy foods, and also get good prenatal care, is expected to enjoy her pregnancy rather than worrying about things you do not need," he said.

A Few Things feared Pregnancy

However, according to Dweck, condition healthy pregnant women do not seem strong enough to dampen excessive worry pregnant women against pregnancy. To that he said several things that often worry about pregnant mothers. What are they? Here's his review ..

1. Miscarriage

Dweck says that one in five pregnancies may end in miscarriage which usually occurs in 10 to 12 weeks. But most of these cases are caused by abnormalities geneti, and it is difficult to prevent. So, fearing it really does not benefit pregnant women. However, pregnant women can still reduce the risk of miscarriage by not smoking and keeping the weight increase within the limits of healthy standard.

In the event of pain in early pregnancy or bleeding, immediately to consult with your doctor to ensure that a miscarriage. If your pregnancy is otherwise fine and not a problem, then it's time you stop worrying and start to think positively.

Even if you've had a miscarriage before, the percentage of miscarriage again in a subsequent pregnancy is not increased, too, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D, a clinical professor at Yale Medical School.

2. Fear of hurting the baby when bumped

Is normal if a pregnant woman worried about the fetus as her body clash inadvertently. But the good news is, most likely hurt the baby because of the incident is very small. This, according to Minkin, because there is one ton of the protective amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.

3. The baby suffered birth defects

Most birth defects can not be prevented, but such cases are very rare. Congenital defects occur only about 3-4 percent of infants, and that means 96-97 percent of newborn babies will not experience it.

Dweck says that we are greatly benefited by the presence of modern technology that has been providing high-resolution ultrasound. This technology allows us to detect abnormalities in infants with ease, ranging from finger numbering less to heart abnormalities.

Therefore, to minimize the risk of abnormalities in the baby, pregnant women are advised to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, and certain drugs.

Sources ; www.thebump.com
4. Premature Birth

The possibility to give birth prematurely is there, and the risk is greater for pregnant women who have previously given birth prematurely or have bleeding. However, according to Minkin, cases of preterm labor occurs only in 10 percent of pregnancies.

Instead of worrying about it, pregnant women are better focused to maintain her weight remains in the healthy standard pregnant women to diabetes and her blood pressure is maintained. If both increases are not controlled, it can cause early contractions. However, in general, during pregnancy condition pregnant women stay healthy, then no need to worry too much going preterm delivery (usi womb before 37 weeks), experts said.

5. Pain during childbirth

Many pregnant women who feel concerned just before the birth or labor, ranging from being unable to reach the hospital in time, the pain is remarkable, to worry remove dirt when push. Of course the worry is reasonable for the pregnant mother and the birth process is ill. However there is an effective and safe choice that can be done such as spinal and epidural anesthesia, as well as breathing and relaxation techniques, Dweck said.

As for the case when pushing the dirt out should not be a concern. Many pregnant women who experience it, and it is commonplace for doctors and the people who help the delivery process. So there is no reason to worry too much against it. Even the fact, "if you do not defecate, so you can understaffed to push and push," says Minkin.

6. Neck baby tangled cord

Is commonplace if the baby's neck twisted cord. This case could occur in 25 percent of pregnant women. However, according to Dweck, it need not be feared. The amniotic fluid has been providing protective features that are sufficient to limit nuchal cord with the baby's neck. Dweck explains that very rarely happens if the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck until some winding up eventually cause problems. Even if there were, this is an exception.

7. emergency Caesarean section

The likelihood of a cesarean section caused emergencies is very small. If it happens, it is probably due to the baby's heartbeat does not sound strong, baby tangled umbilical cord, the placenta separates from the uterine wall, where the current state of the membranes have ruptured. However, the greater chance you do not experience it. Minki explained that cases like this occur no more at 1-2 per cent, but of course the obstetrician can not predict it.

Those are some things that often worry about pregnant mothers. Instead of worrying about these things, pregnant women are encouraged to stay focused on the health condition of the body making it more enjoying her pregnancy and avoid the stress that can cause problems in pregnancy. May be useful..
