ASI - A 'miracle' for Mother and Baby

For a mother who just gave birth to a baby, breast-feeding the baby can provide many benefits such as digestive problems, maintain weight, reduce stress, and provide protection against infections that can occur in infants. Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both mother and baby, according to Pei Ching Chuah, Health Program Coordinator and Information on the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action.

benefits of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is more than just food. Breast milk is a living tissue with many immune factors that continuously will provide active protection against infection when the baby's body can not protect itself.

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"During the first few days after giving birth, a mother provides the ideal immunization for her baby with colostrum, liquid milk, which is rich in antibodies. The amount of colostrum is not much, but the total was exactly what the baby needs at this time. "Children who received breast milk would be much healthier.

"Breast milk contains energy, protein, vitamins, water and other nutrients with the right amount for babies during the first six months of life," he said.

Chuah added that newborns and breastfed have a small possibility of developing digestive problems, experienced wheezing (asthma) and bronchitis, as well as rarely sick. Besides breast-fed infants are less likely to suffer from allergies and develop an ear infection.

"During breastfeeding, breast milk, they will continue to deliver the baby antibodies and other protective substances that can fight and deal with the disease," said Chuah.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother

Exclusive breastfeeding soon after the birth of wind will reduce the risk of mother to excess postpartum bleeding and anemia. After the mother and baby are getting used in the process of breastfeeding, breastfeeding mothers can reduce stress and keep the baby healthy and well nourished. Chuah menggatakan that exclusive breastfeeding can improve the maternal immune system, help delay a new pregnancy, and reduce insulin requirements in diabetic mothers.

"In the long term, breastfeeding can help protect mothers from breast and ovarian cancer, as well as brittle bones."

Food for nursing mothers

Chuah said that a healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers is a varied, balanced and natural. A nursing mother should eat a healthy diet but may vary from a few different food groups.

"No need to exclude certain types of food. Instead, the key is to be balanced. Include a little of the food groups, the proportion of healthy. "

Natural foods can increase body condition breastfeeding mothers to a better direction.

The main group of foods that should be included in the diet of breastfeeding mothers are covering a lot of fluids, fresh vegetables and fruits, various grains, protein foods from both animal or vegetable sources, as well as small amounts of fat.

"If you have a medical history such as allergies, you need to be careful of the food you eat," said Chuah. Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid allergens, one of the triggers of allergies, during pregnancy and lactation.

"If you look at your baby reacts badly after you eat something, perhaps the best thing you can do is stop eating these foods for a while."

Maternal weight after the baby is born

One of the concerns of pregnant women are the most common of the pregnancy is a matter of weight after the baby is born. But with breastfeeding, weight can be reduced. "For some women, breastfeeding will help make it easier to lose weight because the calories are also burned," said Chuah. Conversely, mothers who do not breastfeed will be difficult to lose weight and will only rely on diet or exercise. Breastfeeding mothers tend to lose weight when their babies entered the age of 3 to 6 months.
