6 Possible Cause Flooding Sweat When You Sleep

Maybe some of us have awakened from sleep with a sweaty body condition. It seems to look normal and ordinary. However, when happens repeatedly, it may be associated with certain health conditions, requiring further review. Conditions such as these can also be different circumstances in women during menopause as well as in children.

Factors Possible Causes Flooding Sweat When Sleeping

Images : http://info.matawanita.com/
sweat sweating during sleep can be triggered by several factors. As excerpted from Sleepdisorder.com, there are at least six factors that may be the reason why someone is experiencing a flood of sweat during sleep, including:

1. Warm Temperatures
The first factor is the reason why a person's sweat during sleep are increased body temperature due to various causes. Some of them are because the ambient air temperature / room is high and tends to warm. Pajamas or underwear thick, and also curled under a blanket, can also cause a person to feel the heat and sweat.

2. Sleep disorders
Disorder or sleep disorders can also be the cause of sweat during sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea (sleep apnea) that makes a person difficult to breathe is an example. When we found it difficult to breathe during sleep, it takes extra effort to breathe anyway. This will drain energy and eventually make your body sweat like moderate exercise.

3. Restless (children)
Children, especially toddlers, usually experience anxiety during sleep and this can also make breathing impaired. They sometimes wake up bathed in sweat and red faces. If the child often experience this condition, it needs to be reviewed further. It's good to consult with medical experts in your city.

4. Menopause
Adult women may also experience increased perspiration during sleep. Generally, who often suffer from the condition are women entering menopause. In addition, the risk for sleep apnea also increases up to 10-fold due to the loss progeteron hormone and estrogen. Therefore, the flood of sweat during sleep in women is often associated with menoupause and trigger sleep apnea.

5. Alcohol
Alcohol was also able to trigger your body to sweat more banyakk during sleep. This is because alcohol contains a muscle relaxant that can interfere with the upper respiratory tract, aggravate snoring and sleep apnea triggers. Therefore, avoid alcoholic drinks as much as possible.

6. Nightmare
One of the factors that often lead a person to sweat during sleep is a nightmare. Nightmare caused by anxiety could cause panic attacks and perspiration during sleep. If often have dreams rush, especially in conditions of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), treatment and consultation to the experts might help
