Flu? Try Consumption 5 Foods

When the rainy season arrives, the condition of the body so it is more risky to attack a variety of diseases. Diseases that often occur in the rainy season is flu, where the disease is one disease that is contagious. Flu occurs because of a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, and lungs.

One of the effects of the flu is likely to weaken the power of the body. However, you do not have to worry about it because there are some simple ways you can do to rejuvenate your body.

Some foods that can fight flu

Sources; www.stepin2mygreenworld.com
As one of the easy ways you can fight the flu or a cold is to eat certain foods that can help build healthy cells in the body. What are these foods? Check out his review below.


Garlic has anti-microbial properties that can maintain immunity. In addition, garlic can also help expedite the respiratory tract. If you can not eat them directly, you can mix the garlic to your favorite dishes.


One of the best foods to boost the immune system is beef. Beef is a good source of iron, which plays an important role in the development of white blood cells, where the cells maintain the immune system plays a role. Research shows that iron deficiency can decrease immune function. In addition, the protein contained in beef is also able to support the body to build antibodies and fight infection.


This super spice has a very high antioxidant content. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve inflammation. Eating turmeric can prevent and even fight the flu or a cold.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain vitamin A which has an important role on the health of the mucosal surface, including the digestive tract, the inside of the nose, and skin. Most people probably do not think if the infection can actually enter the body through the skin with ease. For information, the skin is also part of the immune system.

chicken soup

One meal is considered effective to relieve flu is chicken soup. Besides easy to make, the food is also delicious to eat. The composition of the water in the soup can be absorbed by the body to help thin the mucus that is ultimately easier to remove. The chicken is present in the soup also has a high nutrient content and have anti-inflammatory effects on the body, thereby helping to reduce swelling or inflammation of the sinuses and nasal tract.
