5 Fruit Effective To Lose Weight

To lose weight to reach your ideal weight can be done in many ways, ranging from a strict diet to regular exercise. But there are also ways that do not make you miserable. In addition to maintaining a good diet, you are encouraged to eat fruits are considered effective to help you lose weight. There are several pieces that you can choose to help weight loss programs, which are:

Sources ; www.thefitindian.com
1. Avocado

Avocado is rich in omega 9 fatty acids, natural fats are also found in olive oil. Fruit texture similar to butter it can supply energy more quickly because it can increase the body's metabolism. You can eat them as a juice without sugar, or directly consumed away.

2. Coconut

Coconut contains triglycerides that can increase metabolism and liver function up to 30 percent. Young coconut meat can make the stomach feel full, thus preventing excessive appetite.

3. Lemon

Lemon was known as one of the fruits that can eliminate toxins in the body (detoxification). Lemon can also increase the body's metabolism quickly. In addition, the lemon has menafaat for maintaining liver health. It made it so much easier on the body to digest and burn fat.

4. Oranges

Orange is effective for weight loss. It is based on a study at Johns Hopkins University, found that women who eat oranges every day, experienced a weight loss of up to an average of 10 kg in 13 weeks. The women in the study did not change anything, including lifestyle and diet choices.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and contain phytochemicals which can stimulate lycopenen amino acids in order to accelerate the burning of fat in the body.
