Know the Binge Eating Disorder - Excessive Eating Disorders

If you eat too much in a short time on a regular basis and seemed to lose themselves while eating, you may have an eating disorder called 'Binge Eating Disorder'. These disorders can affect one's health in many ways, but two of the main risks to be experienced are weight gain and obesity. Two-thirds of those who experience Binge Eating disorders are generally obese, even though people with normal weight also may have this disorder.

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Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

You may have no symptoms or physical signs are obvious when you have an eating disorder Binge Eating like this. You might just look fatter, obesity, or being overweight. However, you may still be able to have behavioral and emotional-mark signs like this:

Often eating alone.
Eat quickly.
Keep eating even though it is full or when not hungry though.
Eating in a very large number.
Experience depression and anxiety.
Feeling guilty, depressed angry, embarrassed, or if on eating behavior.
Often diet, but did not experience weight loss.
If losing weight, will rise again quickly, repeatedly (such as yo-yo dieting).
Feeling isolated and difficult to express feelings.
Risk Factors and Causes

Causes of Eating Binge eating disorder is not known with certainty. However, psychological problems, diet, biological factors, and family history can be risk factors. The description of the risk factors are as follows:

Biological factors and family history
You are at risk for binge eating disorder if a parent or sibling also had or have the same disorder. Some people who have binge eating disorder may inherit genes that make it more prone to have the disorder, or the possibility of the chemical structure of their brains had changed.

Psychological Factors
Most people who have an eating disorder Binge Eating likely to have excess weight, so concerned with his appearance, but feel bad about it. If you have an eating disorder such as this, you might tend to act impulsively and feel unable to control your behavior. You can also have difficulty in coping with stress, boredom, anger, sadness, and anxiety. In addition, you can also have a history of substance abuse to depression.

Although every person of any age may experience binge eating disorder, but this condition frequently occurs in the early 20s or late teens.

Diet can also be included as a trigger factors a person has Binge Eating disorder. Diet can encourage someone to eat excessively, especially if the person has symptoms of depression and low self-esteem.


Someone who had an eating disorder Binge Eating may experience psychological and physical problems associated with overeating. Some complications may arise due to the excess weight caused by frequent eating. As for other complications may occur due to the habit of applying the yo-yo dieting is not healthy. In addition, being overweight can be triggered due to unhealthy food choices such as choosing foods that are high in fat and low in protein, which in turn can lead to health problems.

There are some complications related to Eating Binge eating disorder, such as:

Suicidal thoughts.
Type 2 diabetes.
High blood pressure.
Gallbladder disease.
Digestive problems.
High cholesterol.
Some types of cancer.
Heart disease.
Muscle ache.
Joint pain.
Menstrual problems.
Should a doctor?

If you have an eating disorder Binge Eating, you should start looking for medical help immediately. This eating disorder generally can not recover by itself so that it will become worse if not treated immediately. You can consult with a mental health provider or primary care physician about the problem you are experiencing. If you are not yet ready to see a doctor, talk first with the nearest person or people you trust.

Advice and Tips

Generally, efforts to overcome binge eating disorder or Binge Eating committed themselves tend not to be effective. Even so, in addition to professional help, you can apply the following suggestions:

Keep your consistency with the treatment or care programs that are running. Do not miss a therapy session. If you have plans to eat, still follow the doctor's advice and do your best.

Avoid diet
Applying a diet program can magnify the problem and trigger overeating more. It if had already formed a "vicious circle", it will be difficult to stop. If you want to apply a weight management strategy that is ideal for you, consult your doctor. Do not force a diet unless it is recommended as a form of treatment your doctor.

Most people with Binge Eating disorders or overeating often skip breakfast. In fact, breakfast may prevent you to eat high-calorie foods in time or at your next meal.

Meet the needs proper nutrition
Nutrition is not appropriate or not appropriate requirements could also encourage a person to consume food in excess and uncontrolled. Talk with your doctor about proper nutrition, do you also need extra vitamin supplements or not.

Physical activity
Also consult with your doctor about the type of physical activity or exercise is right for you, especially if you have health problems associated with being overweight.

Do not be too harsh and still interact
Do not be too hard and do not easily give self-criticism. In addition, do not also isolate yourself from your family and your friends. They want to see you live a healthy life and the best for you.
