Study: Able Grape Seed Extract Against Cancer

Study: Able Grape Seed Extract Against Cancer

A new study published in the medical journal PLoS One, showed for the first time that grape seed extract is a great supplement to combat cancer, particularly aids the effectiveness of chemotherapy in killing cancer cells colorectal (colon). In addition, grape seed extract can help reduce the painful side effects of chemotherapy.

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Grape Seed Extract For Colon Cancer Treatment

The researchers said the addition of grapefruit seed extract to chemotherapy is a new approach for the treatment of colon cancer (bowel cancer), helps increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce damage to the intestine.

The next step is to conduct further research to determine whether grape seed extract is also able to work well against other types of cancer, and to find out why the grape seeds have a remarkable ability to help fight colon cancer.

"This is the first study to show that grape seed extract may increase the potential of one of the main chemotherapy drugs in its action against cancer cells of colon," Dr. Cheah revealed. Colorectal cancer (colon) is the second highest cancer killer in the United States after lung cancer.

According to Dr. Amy Cheah, a researcher at the agricultural school of medicine, at the University of Adelaide, Australia, Grape seed extract is rich in vitamin E, flavonoids, and powerful nutrients called linoleic acid has no side effects. In addition, grape seed extract contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and can improve cardiovascular health.

A chemotherapy drug that is most commonly used to fight colorectal cancer is 5-fluorouracil, commonly known as 5-FU and marketed in the United States under various brand names including Adrucil.

According to researchers gastrointestinal (digestive) Dr Gordon Howarth, "Grape seed extract shows great potential as an anti-inflammatory treatment for a variety of intestinal diseases and may now be applied as an anti-cancer treatment."

Research conducted in Australia found that grape seed extract caused a decline of 55 percent in the chemotherapy-induced inflammation and increased 26 percent in the ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.

In addition, the researchers found no adverse effects in healthy colon tissue of the use of grape seed extract in high concentrations.

Conclusion team, as reported in Plos One: "Grape seed extract may be a new therapeutic option to reduce the symptoms of intestinal mucositis [inflammation and ulceration] at the same time have an impact on the survival of cells of colon cancer."

There is ongoing research to determine whether grape seed extract may prevent cancer in addition to help treat it. So far, these studies have been inconclusive.

Although grape seed extract is quite new in the US, but the grape seeds have been used for years in Europe to treat a number of diseases.

Research has shown that grape seed extract helpful for some heart conditions, including high cholesterol. This supplement has also been used to treat chronic venous insufficiency (poor circulation) and eye disease related to diabetes.

But keep in mind is that grape seed extract may interact with some blood thinners and painkillers NSAIDs such as aspirin, Advil, and Aleve, so consult with your doctor before taking them.
Key Benefits Dinner Early

Key Benefits Dinner Early

Health problems related to diet such as obesity or diabetes are common, and increasingly more people have it. It is usually caused by the choice of food or unhealthy eating patterns. Unhealthy foods are less able to digest properly can cause the disorder.

One of the things that often cause such problems was dinnertime, let alone the food consumed is a heavy meal. Yet a few hours later you've entered the sleep clock and system in your body will stop working. Therefore, you are advised to eat dinner early or much before entering the sleeping hours.

Benefit Dinner Early

Early dinner has good benefits for the body, including:

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Avoid increase stomach acid

If you eat a heavy meal before bedtime, you'll most likely feel uncomfortable when lying in bed. On the other hand, gastric acid also increased and caused a burning feeling in the heart. Early dinner helps you to prevent these problems.

Providing a longer time to digest food

With an early dinner, you will give a longer time so that the food can be digested properly. Because when you sleep, digestion of food can not be perfect and ultimately lead to digestive problems.

avoiding obesity

Research has shown that obesity and dinner had a close relationship. This is because the system penceraan body can not take place properly during night. In addition, the system tends to slow down the body's metabolism. An early dinner to help you minimize the risk for obesity.

Reduce the tendency of overeating

An early dinner will help you reduce the tendency to eat more or excessively. This is because the distance between the lunch and dinner early is not too long, so that the stomach will not feel too hungry at night. Thus, the portion of the dinner would not be too much.

The body has a natural clock to digestion. Above 5 pm is the time in which the body will digest food. Therefore, do not overload it works with eating too much or eating a heavy meal. You are advised to eat dinner before 7pm. If you eat more than an hour a night, can be digestive problems that you can.
5 Simple Tips to Keep Energizing Daytime

5 Simple Tips to Keep Energizing Daytime

The day is a time that is not favored by most workers. This is due to a feeling tired or lethargic start toward them. This is because energy is full since early morning, slowly began to recede and lower during the day so they become tired and less powerful. If this has happened, luggage tend to feel sleepy and lazy that makes his work undisturbed.

Some Ways to Keep Calming in Daytime

Are you including those that experience it? If yes, then no need to worry. There are several solutions that can be done to help keep you energized, even in daylight. What are they? Check out his review below.
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1. Sports in the morning

One surefire tips to make your stay energized is to exercise in the morning. Exercise in the morning can provide many benefits for you. In addition to keeping your body in shape, exercise done in the morning will help keep the body's energy levels steady throughout the day. Therefore, it's good exercise in the morning are scheduled regularly to keep your body stay fit.

2. Stroll

Try to take a walk at least 10 minutes when recess came. Stroll will make the body and the mind becomes fresh again. After working and sit around all day, walk in will restore your energy is drained while you work.

3. Eat lighter

Avoid eating too much or eating heavy meals during the day. It can cause drowsiness and bring a sense of lazy. You are encouraged to eat foods that are fresh and light as vegetables and fruit. Avoid junk food or fast food.

4. Drink green tea

To restore energy, sometimes you need a little caffeine. However, if you are not a coffee drinker, you are advised to drink green tea are also both contain caffeine. In fact it is known that caffeine in green tea will be more refreshing and can help your body re-energized without resulting in jitter as you feel when drinking coffee.

5. Stretch the body

Perform some simple movements or stretching the body in your work space to make you more energetic and vibrant. Stretching the body also can help increase blood flow and provide oxygen to the brain. As is known, that the lack of oxygen can make you drowsy.

That's a few reviews about simple ways to make your re-energized and excited, especially in the afternoon. Hopefully this article helpful.
Things That Can Interfere Kidney Function

Things That Can Interfere Kidney Function

The kidneys are very important and has a vital role to maintain the health of our bodies. If the condition of the kidney is interrupted, then it will also affect our overall health. Therefore, to maintain the condition of the kidneys to keep it functioning properly is a must. One way to preserve it is to adopt a good lifestyle and avoid things that can damage the kidneys.

There are several things that can interfere with the performance of the kidneys, which are:
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The adverse effects of alcohol on the health of the body seems undisputed. Not only are at stake liver, kidney could also damaged as a result of drinking.

2. smoking

One of the bad habits that can damage the kidneys is smoking. Smoking can interfere with blood circulation to various organs. If the circulation is disrupted, the kidney function will also be disturbed and troubled.

3. Soda

According to a 2008 study, people who drank two or more sodas per day, are at great risk for developing chronic kidney disease. Although it is not yet clear relationship between renal damage and soft drinks, but according to The New York Times, soft drinks contain high levels of phosphoric acid. The acid is associated with kidney stones and other kidney problems, including kidney failure.

4. Holding pee

Procrastination or holding urine can also affect kidney function. Delaying urinating for a long time can make the bladder is squeezed, and this is not good for the kidneys.

5. Lack of drinking water

Meet the need for water intake is important. Water can get rid of toxins in the body. Less drinking akir can trigger a buildup of toxins in the blood, and this can interfere with kidney function.

6. Lack of movement

Lack of exercise or physical activity can also affect the kidneys. In addition to good overall health, exercise can also help prevent kidney problems. Physical activity or exercise that can considerably reduce the risk of kidney problems by up to 30 percent.

7. Lack of sleep

It has quality and a good sleep is important. Lack of sleep is also known to affect the health of the kidneys and can damage it. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep.

8. Lack of vitamin

People who lack certain vitamins are also at risk of developing kidney problems. As well as vitamin B6 deficiency, where it can cause kidney stones. Therefore, you are advised to adopt a healthy diet and a balanced diet. Some foods are good to eat are peas, beef liver, fish, and potatoes.

9. Lack of minerals

As with vitamins, certain minerals deficiency also affects the kidney condition. If the body lacks magnesium, the body is unable to absorb calcium properly. If calcium can not be absorbed optimally, then it can cause kidney stones. To overcome this, you can eat leafy vegetables, beans, grains, and nuts.

10. Excess salt

Eating foods high in salt risk of causing blood pressure to rise. In addition, if you consume too much salt, the kidneys work load will be heavier and difficulty remove excess salt.

11. Excess Protein

Health experts reveal that protein intake in high amounts can harm the kidneys, depends also on other factors. Kidney will work very hard when you consume high protein foods in large quantities.

12. Taking certain medications

The habit of consuming painkillers known also can affect kidney function. You should know about the side effects of the medications you are taking. You can consult with your doctor about the side effects of the medications you are taking.
7 Things That Often feared Pregnancy

7 Things That Often feared Pregnancy

Awaiting the birth of beloved baby can be a fun and thrilling moment. However, during pregnancy, there are many things that are often feared or feared pregnant women, especially if this is the first experience.

The most important thing to remember is fine, if you are (pregnant) in healthy condition, you do not need to worry too much and panicked. To that end, Alyssa Dweck, M.D., an assistant professor in the department of obstetrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine recommends that pregnant women are more focused to maintain their health rather than worrying about things that are not necessary. "Pregnant women who maintain and optimize her health condition even before pregnancy by exercising, eating healthy foods, and also get good prenatal care, is expected to enjoy her pregnancy rather than worrying about things you do not need," he said.

A Few Things feared Pregnancy

However, according to Dweck, condition healthy pregnant women do not seem strong enough to dampen excessive worry pregnant women against pregnancy. To that he said several things that often worry about pregnant mothers. What are they? Here's his review ..

1. Miscarriage

Dweck says that one in five pregnancies may end in miscarriage which usually occurs in 10 to 12 weeks. But most of these cases are caused by abnormalities geneti, and it is difficult to prevent. So, fearing it really does not benefit pregnant women. However, pregnant women can still reduce the risk of miscarriage by not smoking and keeping the weight increase within the limits of healthy standard.

In the event of pain in early pregnancy or bleeding, immediately to consult with your doctor to ensure that a miscarriage. If your pregnancy is otherwise fine and not a problem, then it's time you stop worrying and start to think positively.

Even if you've had a miscarriage before, the percentage of miscarriage again in a subsequent pregnancy is not increased, too, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D, a clinical professor at Yale Medical School.

2. Fear of hurting the baby when bumped

Is normal if a pregnant woman worried about the fetus as her body clash inadvertently. But the good news is, most likely hurt the baby because of the incident is very small. This, according to Minkin, because there is one ton of the protective amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.

3. The baby suffered birth defects

Most birth defects can not be prevented, but such cases are very rare. Congenital defects occur only about 3-4 percent of infants, and that means 96-97 percent of newborn babies will not experience it.

Dweck says that we are greatly benefited by the presence of modern technology that has been providing high-resolution ultrasound. This technology allows us to detect abnormalities in infants with ease, ranging from finger numbering less to heart abnormalities.

Therefore, to minimize the risk of abnormalities in the baby, pregnant women are advised to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, and certain drugs.

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4. Premature Birth

The possibility to give birth prematurely is there, and the risk is greater for pregnant women who have previously given birth prematurely or have bleeding. However, according to Minkin, cases of preterm labor occurs only in 10 percent of pregnancies.

Instead of worrying about it, pregnant women are better focused to maintain her weight remains in the healthy standard pregnant women to diabetes and her blood pressure is maintained. If both increases are not controlled, it can cause early contractions. However, in general, during pregnancy condition pregnant women stay healthy, then no need to worry too much going preterm delivery (usi womb before 37 weeks), experts said.

5. Pain during childbirth

Many pregnant women who feel concerned just before the birth or labor, ranging from being unable to reach the hospital in time, the pain is remarkable, to worry remove dirt when push. Of course the worry is reasonable for the pregnant mother and the birth process is ill. However there is an effective and safe choice that can be done such as spinal and epidural anesthesia, as well as breathing and relaxation techniques, Dweck said.

As for the case when pushing the dirt out should not be a concern. Many pregnant women who experience it, and it is commonplace for doctors and the people who help the delivery process. So there is no reason to worry too much against it. Even the fact, "if you do not defecate, so you can understaffed to push and push," says Minkin.

6. Neck baby tangled cord

Is commonplace if the baby's neck twisted cord. This case could occur in 25 percent of pregnant women. However, according to Dweck, it need not be feared. The amniotic fluid has been providing protective features that are sufficient to limit nuchal cord with the baby's neck. Dweck explains that very rarely happens if the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck until some winding up eventually cause problems. Even if there were, this is an exception.

7. emergency Caesarean section

The likelihood of a cesarean section caused emergencies is very small. If it happens, it is probably due to the baby's heartbeat does not sound strong, baby tangled umbilical cord, the placenta separates from the uterine wall, where the current state of the membranes have ruptured. However, the greater chance you do not experience it. Minki explained that cases like this occur no more at 1-2 per cent, but of course the obstetrician can not predict it.

Those are some things that often worry about pregnant mothers. Instead of worrying about these things, pregnant women are encouraged to stay focused on the health condition of the body making it more enjoying her pregnancy and avoid the stress that can cause problems in pregnancy. May be useful..
ASI - A 'miracle' for Mother and Baby

ASI - A 'miracle' for Mother and Baby

For a mother who just gave birth to a baby, breast-feeding the baby can provide many benefits such as digestive problems, maintain weight, reduce stress, and provide protection against infections that can occur in infants. Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both mother and baby, according to Pei Ching Chuah, Health Program Coordinator and Information on the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action.

benefits of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is more than just food. Breast milk is a living tissue with many immune factors that continuously will provide active protection against infection when the baby's body can not protect itself.

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"During the first few days after giving birth, a mother provides the ideal immunization for her baby with colostrum, liquid milk, which is rich in antibodies. The amount of colostrum is not much, but the total was exactly what the baby needs at this time. "Children who received breast milk would be much healthier.

"Breast milk contains energy, protein, vitamins, water and other nutrients with the right amount for babies during the first six months of life," he said.

Chuah added that newborns and breastfed have a small possibility of developing digestive problems, experienced wheezing (asthma) and bronchitis, as well as rarely sick. Besides breast-fed infants are less likely to suffer from allergies and develop an ear infection.

"During breastfeeding, breast milk, they will continue to deliver the baby antibodies and other protective substances that can fight and deal with the disease," said Chuah.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother

Exclusive breastfeeding soon after the birth of wind will reduce the risk of mother to excess postpartum bleeding and anemia. After the mother and baby are getting used in the process of breastfeeding, breastfeeding mothers can reduce stress and keep the baby healthy and well nourished. Chuah menggatakan that exclusive breastfeeding can improve the maternal immune system, help delay a new pregnancy, and reduce insulin requirements in diabetic mothers.

"In the long term, breastfeeding can help protect mothers from breast and ovarian cancer, as well as brittle bones."

Food for nursing mothers

Chuah said that a healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers is a varied, balanced and natural. A nursing mother should eat a healthy diet but may vary from a few different food groups.

"No need to exclude certain types of food. Instead, the key is to be balanced. Include a little of the food groups, the proportion of healthy. "

Natural foods can increase body condition breastfeeding mothers to a better direction.

The main group of foods that should be included in the diet of breastfeeding mothers are covering a lot of fluids, fresh vegetables and fruits, various grains, protein foods from both animal or vegetable sources, as well as small amounts of fat.

"If you have a medical history such as allergies, you need to be careful of the food you eat," said Chuah. Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid allergens, one of the triggers of allergies, during pregnancy and lactation.

"If you look at your baby reacts badly after you eat something, perhaps the best thing you can do is stop eating these foods for a while."

Maternal weight after the baby is born

One of the concerns of pregnant women are the most common of the pregnancy is a matter of weight after the baby is born. But with breastfeeding, weight can be reduced. "For some women, breastfeeding will help make it easier to lose weight because the calories are also burned," said Chuah. Conversely, mothers who do not breastfeed will be difficult to lose weight and will only rely on diet or exercise. Breastfeeding mothers tend to lose weight when their babies entered the age of 3 to 6 months.
Get Health Benefits Of Cardio Sport

Get Health Benefits Of Cardio Sport

There have been many articles that discuss about the cardio exercises. Cardio exercise a positive impact on health. Cardio is an abbreviation of the word cardiovascular. If interpreted from the dictionary, 'cardiovascular' has meaning everything to do with the heart and blood vessels. So, cardio exercise is an exercise that aims to increase blood flow and increase your heart rate.

This exercise will involve the movement of large muscles to make it strong. For information, the heart also has a set of muscles that help him to work. There are some cardio exercise that you can try, such as swimming, biking, hiking, aerobics, running, and walking.

The main benefits derived from cardio exercise is the blood flow and strengthens the heart. When practicing, the heart will beat faster, so did his muscles are also moving more quickly. If these exercises are done regularly, the heart will become stronger. If the heart is beating faster, automatically the blood flow is also so much faster. In the end the risk of cardiovascular disease such as stroke or heart disease caused by a blockage of small blood vessels become increasingly alias reduced.

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Some Organs That Benefit From Cardio Sports

In addition to blood vessels and the heart, cardio exercises also provide benefits to the organs of the body, such as:


Recent research published in the journal Academy of Neurology showed that people who do cardio with high levels are known to work on cognitive tasks 25% better than those who exercise less. In another study in 2013 published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that those military-style exercise (including cardio in it) are known to increase the brain's ability to remember. The explanation behind these findings is cardio exercise can help improve blood supply to the brain, thereby also increasing its capabilities.


Lungs work by regulating the oxygen and carbon dioxide 'to' and 'from' in the blood. According to Jeremy Barnes, a professor of health management, cardio exercise can improve the body's ability to use oxygen more efficiently, particularly fresh accelerate the rate of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Additionally, cardio exercise can help the lungs work in removing carbon dioxide from the body's cells more optimally.


Professor Ellen Marmur, MD, a dermatologist from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine says that anything that can help facilitate blood circulation can make the skin become more radiant and healthy. As noted previously, cardio exercise can help increase blood flow throughout the body, and this includes the skin. Thus, the skin will ternutrisi well and obtain sufficient oxygen intake. On the other hand, the blood also helps expel toxins, free radicals, and impurities from the skin cells. This ultimately makes so much healthier and avoid premature aging.


Cardio exercise can help you to lose weight. Actually, almost any kind of exercise can help you lose weight. The principle is that if the calories are being used more than diasup, then the weight will drop badanpun. Cardio exercise is also great to shrink the stomach and keep it ideal. For information, the abdominal area is often associated with a higher or lower risk of diabetes type 2. Cardio is one of the best options that you can choose. In addition to burning calories, cardio exercise also helps train the heart and lungs.
5 Important Nutrition Needed More Aged Women

5 Important Nutrition Needed More Aged Women

Health is important, not least for women aged. For older women, especially after menopause, have an increased risk of health problems, such as heart disease and stroke. A native of New York gynecologist, Dr. Nereida Correa, said that when a woman enters menopause, their estrogen production decreases, and it can lead to heart disease risk.

Heart disease may be a heart attack or heart failure. According to statistics in the United States, heart disease is in first position causes of death, while the stroke is in third position.

For women age, the body's nutritional needs are very important, in addition to maintaining healthy, can also help protect against the risk of heart disease, and may also decrease the risk of other chronic diseases, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, breast cancer and high blood pressure.

5 Important Nutrition Adult Women Needed:

1. Vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D can lead to brittle bones or osteoporosis. Research conducted in July on "The New England Jornal of Medicine", mentions that taking high doses of vitamin D may reduce the risk of hip fracture by 30 percent in older women.

Sources of vitamin D
There are 3 ways to get vitamin D, which the skin, food, and vitamin supplements. Skin-old woman is a level of production of low vitamin D, exposure to sunlight. However, it can be replaced by eating 8 ounces of low-fat milk as much as 4 servings per day.

Additionally, according to Dr. Correa, the women are encouraged not to consume too much milk, better replaced with multivitamin, low-fat yogurt or hard cheese enriched vitamin D, orange juice or nuts, as daily food. Benefits of vitamin D is to help the body absorb calcium, which is useful for keeping bones strong.

2. Calcium

Calcium helps the formation of new cells in the bone. For women entering menopause phase, the ability to form new cells in the bone will decrease. Consumption of milk every day did not provide enough calcium that the body needs.

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sources of Calcium
According to Dr. Correa, is needed to meet the additional intake of calcium in the body, apart from the food eaten daily, old women are advised to consume 600 mg of supplemental calcium, 2 times a day. On calcium supplements, there are two types of calcium are important, namely calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. According to the National Institutes of Health, Calcium carbonate can be absorbed better on the food that is eaten, while calcium citrate can be absorbed on an empty stomach.

In addition to dairy products, calcium can be found in tofu, cereals, soy, beverage of rice, vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, soft-boned fish such as sardines or salmon.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

According to the study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association, in 2002, consumption of fish and omega-3 fatty acids linked to lower risk for heart disease women. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the growth of plaque buildup in the arteries and lowering blood pressure.

According to Dr. Correa, research has shown omega-3 fatty acids can increase good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol. Several studies have found that supplements of fish oil consumed about 1 to 4 grams per day can reduce triglyceride levels by 20-50 percent.

Sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids can be obtained by eating fish, especially salmon, tilapia and cod fish at least two times a week. Besides olive oil, which contain unsaturated fatty acids are also good for health.

4. Vitamin B12

According to studies conducted recently, post-menopausal women who lack certain nutrients, can cause an increased risk of anemia. Researchers enrolled 73,000 postmenopausal women who participated in the study conducted the Women's Health Initiative, of which 5.5% are affected by anemia. It was discovered by researchers in women who consumed less protein, folate (or so-called vitamin B9), iron, vitamin C and vitamin B12.

Lack of vitamin B12 likely to occur with age. Older women may not have enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach to absorb the vitamin. Women who do not get enough B12 may experience fatigue, weight loss, weakened memory, dementia and depression.

Sources of vitamin B12
It is advised to take vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms per day for adult women. Vitamin B12 can be found in fish, meat, chicken, eggs, milk, and cereal. Dr. Correa also suggest injections of vitamin B12, because it is one of the best ways for the body to absorb vitamins.

5. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Although folic acid is known as an important nutrient for pregnant women, but folic acid is also needed older women. Folic acid, or folate, is a B complex vitamin that is needed by the body to make red blood cells. Signs of low levels of folic acid are anemia, weight loss, fatigue, headache and amino acid levels in the blood are high.

According to Jornal of the American Medical Association in 2005, the fact that women who took folic acid, can reduce the risk of increased blood pressure. Researchers studied nearly 94,000 women aged between 27 to 44 years, and approximately 62,000 women aged between 43 to 70 years who had no history of hypertension. The researchers compared women who consumed at least 1,000 micrograms of folic acid every day with those who consumed less than 200 micrograms daily.

They found that 12 347 elderly women have high blood pressure, and those who consumed the amount of folic acid with higher numbers, only 18 percent of patients experiencing the condition. This does not mean women should consume 1000 micrograms of folic acid every day, but it is recommended to consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day, according to the researchers stated.

Sources of folic acid

Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, oranges, pumpkin, fruit, nuts and olive oil.
5 Fruit Effective To Lose Weight

5 Fruit Effective To Lose Weight

To lose weight to reach your ideal weight can be done in many ways, ranging from a strict diet to regular exercise. But there are also ways that do not make you miserable. In addition to maintaining a good diet, you are encouraged to eat fruits are considered effective to help you lose weight. There are several pieces that you can choose to help weight loss programs, which are:

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1. Avocado

Avocado is rich in omega 9 fatty acids, natural fats are also found in olive oil. Fruit texture similar to butter it can supply energy more quickly because it can increase the body's metabolism. You can eat them as a juice without sugar, or directly consumed away.

2. Coconut

Coconut contains triglycerides that can increase metabolism and liver function up to 30 percent. Young coconut meat can make the stomach feel full, thus preventing excessive appetite.

3. Lemon

Lemon was known as one of the fruits that can eliminate toxins in the body (detoxification). Lemon can also increase the body's metabolism quickly. In addition, the lemon has menafaat for maintaining liver health. It made it so much easier on the body to digest and burn fat.

4. Oranges

Orange is effective for weight loss. It is based on a study at Johns Hopkins University, found that women who eat oranges every day, experienced a weight loss of up to an average of 10 kg in 13 weeks. The women in the study did not change anything, including lifestyle and diet choices.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and contain phytochemicals which can stimulate lycopenen amino acids in order to accelerate the burning of fat in the body.
Weight Want Dropped? Avoid Dinner!

Weight Want Dropped? Avoid Dinner!

A diet high in carbohydrates and low in carbohydrates is still a matter of debate without end. Opinions on what is the most effective exercise to lose weight is still a matter of debate. The debate about the best foods for weight loss are also still ongoing. In the center of the debate is quite confusing, there is a fact: Eating at night is strongly associated with overweight and obesity. Meal or snack at night close to bedtime can make you fat and it seems to have been experienced by many people.

There are two recent studies that analyze the relationship between eating at night by weight and sleep with weight gain.

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The first study focused his research on the measurement of the effects of eating at night against energy metabolism. The researchers studied 11 healthy women who ate as much as 210 calories in 10 or 11 at night for 13 days. After 13 days, researchers measured the basal metabolic rate of each group. The survey results revealed that eating at night close to bedtime makes them worse metabolism. Eating at night will reduce fat oxidation (the rate at which fat is metabolized into energy and not stored as excess fat deposits) and raise levels of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).

Similar to the first study, a second study has the objective to analyze the relationship between sleep and weight gain. In this study, 52 volunteers were involved. As a result, those who eat at night close to bedtime is known to affect weight gain because they have a tendency to consume more calories at night.

The best advice: Do not eat dinner after 6 pm, or if you are really being hungry and were forced to eat dinner, then choose snacks that are healthy and low in calories. Hopefully this article helpful.
9 Tips to Lose Weight Without Diet Program Live

9 Tips to Lose Weight Without Diet Program Live

Losing weight is tricky. Many people who successfully lose weight with a strict diet program, but others fail, even weight even increased. Those who failed to run the program generally poor diet and unhealthy. Losing weight takes time and the process is not instant. Without having to run a program of strict diet and tend to 'punish', actually there are simple and effective ways that you can apply. The key is to change your lifestyle to a healthier direction.

9 Healthy tips to lose weight without having to go through a diet program

1. Drinking water

Water is one of the best drinks to maintain a healthy body. Besides it does not contain calories, water can help cleanse toxins from the body through sweat. Therefore, meet the needs of body fluids by drinking enough water every day.

2. Green tea

Besides water, you are also advised to consume green tea. Green tea is known to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, lower cholesterol, and can help burn fat.

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3. Avoid calorie drinks

Avoid calorie beverages such as sports drinks, soda, or coffee. If you consume a lot of these drinks, the weight you desire does not materialize.

4. Take the stairs

Public places such as shopping malls, airports or office buildings are almost always available escalator or elevator. Rather than using the escalator or elevator, you better get used to always use the stairs when she was in those places.

5. Exit the house

Exit the house does not mean you have to do heavy exercise such as running, swimming, or even fitness. Quite a walk or cycling in the housing complex on a regular basis, the calories in the body will burn.

6. Stop eating when full

Already full? You do not need to force yourself to spend on food on the plate for their guilt. We recommend saving the food for the next meal or for all other members of your family.

7. Eat smaller portions

Instead of eating 3 meals in large quantities every day, it would be better if you eat five or six times per day in small portions. This is one effective way to lose weight. In addition, change your plate to a smaller size. Eating with a small plate will prevent you to eat in large portions.

8. Avoid watching television for too long

Various studies show that spending time in front of the television has a relationship with obesity and weight gain. Watching television too long encouraged people to eat more and get people to do physical activity.

9. Avoid stress

Avoid stress as much as possible and immediately overcome if the stress comes. This is because stress can disrupt the hormonal system and appetite will ultimately make a child to overeat. If it were so, the weight instead of down, even increased.
Carbohydrate Diet Increases Risk of Early Death

Carbohydrate Diet Increases Risk of Early Death

Various methods are a lot of people to lose weight in order to get into shape and ideal body weight. To make it happen, not the least of those who do things that are quite extreme, which can affect their health. One method that is often encountered is running carbohydrate diet program. In fact, the findings of several studies showing negative effects of low-carbohydrate diets.

The negative effects of low-carbohydrate diets apply for long term

If your low-carb diet including low carbohydrate diet buff, you should think again and continue the program. It is based on 18 studies conducted, where the results of these studies indicate a high risk of low-carbohydrate diets. One danger is the increased risk of premature death.

Professor Peter Williams, a nutritionist from the University of Canberra, said that the risk of a new low-carb diets felt in the long term. There are some benefits of a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein in the short term, ie for a year or more. However, the findings of the various studies conducted demonstrate their long-term effects of low-carbohydrate diets, which is 30 percent of the low-carb diet will increase the risk of premature death.
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Although it does not find the exact reason, but the researchers found evidence that fiber and seeds if restricted intake will lead to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. When someone starts to limit the intake of carbohydrates such as bread, fruit, and cereal, so he lost a lot of good things that can actually maintain a healthy body.

About 45 percent of those foods contain carbohydrates Australia. Perekomendasian consumption of food a person by the Australian National Health Organisation every day should contain 45 to 65 percent carbohydrates. For those who run the program diet, typically 40 percent actually reduce the intake of carbohydrates. Professor Williams also added that people in the average Japanese have long life because they consume about 60 percent of carbohydrates each day.

Safe Diet: Down Two Kilograms In week

A benchmark of success in running a weight loss program is often associated with the number of kilograms of weight that fell in the week. It is indeed legitimate, but the mindset like that end up making people to be willing to do excessive exercise and ignore hunger for the sake of the success of her weight loss program. Whereas such ways that would give negative side effects for the body.

Drastic Weight Loss That Down Not Quite Good for the Body

According Firlia Ayu Arini, a professor of nutritional sciences UPN Veteran Jakarta, weight dropped drastically affect the health of the body. Ideally, weight loss of no more than two kilograms in a week.

It is different if the dieter is a woman who has just given birth. Weight loss woman who has given birth to 10 kg in a month is considered reasonable, especially when the process is done well balanced diet with appropriate exercise. Wrong is when the weight drops too drastically due to avoid many types of food.

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Firlia added if the diet should not make the people who do it would be in torment. He suggested that dieters implement food combining program rather than reducing the amount of food intake in the extreme. This is due to the health condition of dieters may decline due to a shortage of micro minerals and nutrients. Food combining (also known as trophology) is the term for a nutritional approach that advocates a combination of certain foods as a center for health and weight loss (such as not mixing foods rich in carbohydrates and protein-rich foods in the same meal).

Firlia called for a program of weight loss is not accompanied with consumption of diet drugs without a doctor's supervision. Moreover, during this diet drugs circulating in the community are not pocketing the marketing authorization. Drugs like can weaken the heart pumps.
9 Food Healthy Weight Loss

9 Food Healthy Weight Loss

Are you already tired of doing a variety of sports ranging from running, swimming and cycling, but your weight does not go down? If yes, then this is probably because it is not offset by consumption of proper food. Selection of the right foods can effectively help you lose weight. There are some good food to eat if you're looking to lose weight. These foods not only provide a myriad of nutrients that are beneficial for the body, but also effectively makes your body become slim. What food are they?

Foods that are effective in weight loss

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1. Oats

Oats or similar grain foods are a source of very high fiber. Eating a bowl of oatmeal at breakfast will keep your stomach full for the day and helps to increase metabolism.

2. Avocado

If you want to lose weight, then get involved too avocado. This fruit contains high fiber such as oats. Eating avocado can be a healthy digestive system and provides a feeling of satiety long so it makes you not to eat too much.

3. Eggs

Eggs are one of the foods that should be consumed if you want to lose weight. Studies show if the eggs contain that can help reduce calories.

 4. Brown Black

Dark chocolate is known to help with weight loss because it contains high-quality cocoa is rich in antioxidants.

5. Salmon

Although fat is high enough, the salmon is very effective in aiding weight loss due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids.

6. Broccoli

Besides beneficial in preventing cancer, broccoli also contains high fiber, where helpful also in preventing weight gain. Broccoli can also help lower cholesterol that have a positive impact on your heart.

7. Red Rice

If you do intend to lose weight, choose brown rice as a main meal instead of white rice. Brown rice are super foods that are low in calories but contain high in fiber, making your stomach satiety throughout the day and effective in losing weight.

8. Green tea

Consumption of green tea on a regular basis because it is useful in weight loss. Green tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols which are good for health. Antioxidants can also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

9. Orange

Eating citrus fruits are also helpful in losing weight. This is because the oranges are rich in fiber and vitamin C, which can increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.
Variety Coriander Leaves For Health Benefits

Variety Coriander Leaves For Health Benefits

There are various herbal plants around you is commonly used as a spice in the kitchen. In addition in the form of roots, herbs are also commonly found in the form of leaves. One of them is cilantro, or commonly referred to in English under the name Coriander leaves.

Benefits of Coriander Leaves

Cilantro offers many health benefits for the body, some of which are as follows:

Preventing kidney stones

These leaves can serve as a natural diuretic that is useful for passing urine or urine more banya. Coriander leaves can also help detoxify your kidneys so as to prevent you from kidney stone disease.

Lowering blood sugar

Cholesterol is an essential fat that can cause serious diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart failure. Cilantro can naturally help lower blood sugar thanks to the content of potassium and sodium in it.

Sources ; guidedoc.comVariety Coriander Leaves For Health Benefits
Expel toxins in the body

Heavy metals such as lead, aluminum and mercury accumulates in the human body with a long period of time. Over time, these metals are toxic and can cause diseases such as dementia, autism, and infertility. Cilantro able to eliminate toxins and metals are present in the body.

Reduce anxiety

Cilantro can help eliminate stress and calm the nerves. Your muscles will become weak back tension and anxiety would be reduced.

Preventing blood clots and osteoporosis

Coriander leaves contain vitamin K, which is quite high which is not only good for bone health but also plays an important role in preventing blood clots.

Cure urinary tract infections

In addition to help cleanse the kidneys, coriander leaves can also help cleanse the urinary tract, which in turn can prevent diseases related to the urinary tract.

Prevents anemia

By eating cilantro, then the red blood cells in the body will be purified back and produced actively so as to prevent the body from anemia.

Digestive problems

Cilantro is a herb that can help produce more digestive enzymes. Therefore, the problems associated with bloating or indigestion can be treated or cured.

Reduce body odor

Because cilantro can remove toxins from the body, the bacteria that cause body odor was also missing. For those of you who have a problem with body odor, may consume cilantro can resolve the issue.

Reducing pain during menstruation

It contains a variety of high enough acid which can help secrete hormones and regulating the menstrual cycle. Additionally, cilantro can help reduce pain during menstruation.

Preventing Alzheimer's

Thanks to the high content of vitamin K in the cilantro, makes it beneficial to reduce the nerve damage that can lead to the arrival of Alzheimer's disease.

Prevent eye disorders

Coriander leaves also contain antioxidants in it where one of its benefits is that it helps maintain eye health and minimize the risk of disruption or problems in the eye.

Reduces inflammation

Anti-inflammatory properties in the cilantro could help patients with arthritis in reducing joint swelling. Additionally, the leaves can also help cure arthritis.
Coriander leaves can be consumed by drinking boiled water. Besides these ways, you can also dry it, and then used as a powder for cooking or sprinkled over your food.
Flu? Try Consumption 5 Foods

Flu? Try Consumption 5 Foods

When the rainy season arrives, the condition of the body so it is more risky to attack a variety of diseases. Diseases that often occur in the rainy season is flu, where the disease is one disease that is contagious. Flu occurs because of a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, and lungs.

One of the effects of the flu is likely to weaken the power of the body. However, you do not have to worry about it because there are some simple ways you can do to rejuvenate your body.

Some foods that can fight flu

As one of the easy ways you can fight the flu or a cold is to eat certain foods that can help build healthy cells in the body. What are these foods? Check out his review below.


Garlic has anti-microbial properties that can maintain immunity. In addition, garlic can also help expedite the respiratory tract. If you can not eat them directly, you can mix the garlic to your favorite dishes.


One of the best foods to boost the immune system is beef. Beef is a good source of iron, which plays an important role in the development of white blood cells, where the cells maintain the immune system plays a role. Research shows that iron deficiency can decrease immune function. In addition, the protein contained in beef is also able to support the body to build antibodies and fight infection.


This super spice has a very high antioxidant content. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve inflammation. Eating turmeric can prevent and even fight the flu or a cold.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain vitamin A which has an important role on the health of the mucosal surface, including the digestive tract, the inside of the nose, and skin. Most people probably do not think if the infection can actually enter the body through the skin with ease. For information, the skin is also part of the immune system.

chicken soup

One meal is considered effective to relieve flu is chicken soup. Besides easy to make, the food is also delicious to eat. The composition of the water in the soup can be absorbed by the body to help thin the mucus that is ultimately easier to remove. The chicken is present in the soup also has a high nutrient content and have anti-inflammatory effects on the body, thereby helping to reduce swelling or inflammation of the sinuses and nasal tract.
Legumes, Lower Cholesterol To Prevent Cancer

Legumes, Lower Cholesterol To Prevent Cancer

Some people think that it is a cool thing if he has a list of various foods that should be avoided. For food packaging, this may be acceptable, but not for natural food. The more varied natural foods that we consume even more good for health.

A naturopathic doctor, Alan Christianson, saying that diets tend to be too limiting certain food ingredients can actually cause malnutrition, emotional stress, to make a weak digestive tract.

As one food group that is often avoided is nuts. They shunned by reason of fear of allergy and fat content is quite high. This is certainly not in line with the results of numerous studies that show that the beans were very beneficial to the health of the body, from lowering cholesterol, decrease appetite, increase energy, rich in antioxidants, lowers blood pressure, retard aging, to prevent cancer. Here is an explanation of the details:

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Some of the benefits of nuts

Prevent premature aging

Some types of beans, including lentils and black beans known to contain high resveratrol. Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound found in plants including beans, strawberries, eucalyptus, and wine. These compounds are very many benefits including slowing the aging, protect the heart, to prevent cancer.

Help lower blood pressure

Some studies show that the intake of nuts can help lower the diastolic (bottom number) and systolic (top number) blood pressure significantly. As for the types of beans studied consisted of black beans, peas, nothern, navy and pinto.

Rich in antioxidants

The greatest damage caused by free radicals can be detected on the skin, brain, and immune system. Foods that are high in antioxidants such as pomegranate, turmeric, green tea and blueberries are known to prevent such damage. Nuts also contain unique antioxidants that can block an enzyme called α-glucosidase and lipase pancreas, where the enzyme can lead to weight gain and lead to diabetes. Aduki beans and green beans are a few among many nuts are rich in antioxidants.

Prevent cancer

As mentioned before that the nut also contains the compound resveratrol and some other content that can prevent cancer. Not only nuts that can reduce the risk of various cancers, but also extracts of nuts called IP6, according to research to be useful for the fight against cancer.

Help lower cholesterol

Eating at least one serving of nuts per day is known to decrease the bad fats (LDL-C) dangerous. It is enough to reduce the risk of heart disease by 25 percent.

Help you lose weight

In a recent study, 35 obese men were asked to do one of four kinds of diet for 8 weeks, and one of them is diet by eating nuts. Groups that implement a diet high in nuts are known to experience improvements to their health such as blood pressure drop, lower cholesterol, reduced fat and increased energy.

That's some of the benefits of nuts. Actually there are many benefits, but some reviews over at least enough to make us know the importance of eating nuts. Hopefully this article useful.

8 Foods That Can Fight Fatigue

Density of daily activities, especially those that involve the physical body, it will drain a lot of energy. Energy is drained when working can make the body becomes tired and limp. If already in a state of chronic fatigue, not a few people who will take or consume energy drinks to resolve the issue. Although drinks can reduce fatigue and makes the body so powerful back, but drinks like this are not good to eat constantly, and can be bad for the body in the long run. Rather than consume energy drinks, it is better if we eat healthy foods particular to overcome the fatigue of whack.

Some food Energy Booster

There are many healthy foods that can help boost energy and make our body more powerful back. Some of these foods are:

1. Almonds

Almonds are one of the right foods to boost energy and keep the body still powerful in a long time. This is thanks to a combination of vegetable protein and healthy fats in almonds can help stabilize blood sugar (one of the causes of declining energy).

2. Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon supporting healthy brain cells and nerves, and can reduce the occurrence of "mental fog", lack of concentration, or other cognitive problems that can be caused by fatigue. If you have difficulty to find salmon, instead you can also eat tuna.

3. Citrus Fruits

Group of citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits can help increase the body's energy well. The content of vitamin C is high will increase the amount of oxygen circulating in the brain, and can make people who eat so fresh and energetic.

4. Avocado

Among the many important nutrients contained in them, avocados also contain vitamin-B complex. This vitamin is essential in helping to improve energy. Eat regularly, especially before work, will make the energy your body well preserved until noon. You can eat in bentu juice, or can be added to foods such as salad or the other.

5. Fruit Berry

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and other berries are excellent for improving the body's energy. These fruits contain little sugar in it, but it is quite effective to increase the energy is drained. In addition, the berries contain a lot of fiber to prevent energy slump. Antioxidants contained in it is also good for health and can fight fatigue.

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6. Dates

Just like berries, dates contain sugar which can help boost energy. Dates are also rich in fiber and can help stabilize blood sugar, so energy will remain intact for a long time.

7. Watermelon

Fruit is tasty and fresh, it is also can help increase the body's energy. The combination of nutrients in them such as vitamin B and potassium able to improve energy and keep it in a long time.

8. Broccoli

Broccoli is good food to sustain energy levels up throughout the day because it is rich in chromium. Chromium itself is an important mineral that regulates how the body maintain blood sugar levels and help prevent the decline in blood sugar that can cause someone to be tired.

Those are some healthy foods that can increase your body's energy and prevent you from chronic fatigue. Therefore, rather than consume energy drinks, it is better to consume these healthy foods.