Study: Able Grape Seed Extract Against Cancer

Study: Able Grape Seed Extract Against Cancer

A new study published in the medical journal PLoS One, showed for the first time that grape seed extract is a great supplement to combat cancer, particularly aids the effectiveness of chemotherapy in killing cancer cells colorectal (colon). In addition, grape seed extract can help reduce the painful side effects of chemotherapy.

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Grape Seed Extract For Colon Cancer Treatment

The researchers said the addition of grapefruit seed extract to chemotherapy is a new approach for the treatment of colon cancer (bowel cancer), helps increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce damage to the intestine.

The next step is to conduct further research to determine whether grape seed extract is also able to work well against other types of cancer, and to find out why the grape seeds have a remarkable ability to help fight colon cancer.

"This is the first study to show that grape seed extract may increase the potential of one of the main chemotherapy drugs in its action against cancer cells of colon," Dr. Cheah revealed. Colorectal cancer (colon) is the second highest cancer killer in the United States after lung cancer.

According to Dr. Amy Cheah, a researcher at the agricultural school of medicine, at the University of Adelaide, Australia, Grape seed extract is rich in vitamin E, flavonoids, and powerful nutrients called linoleic acid has no side effects. In addition, grape seed extract contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and can improve cardiovascular health.

A chemotherapy drug that is most commonly used to fight colorectal cancer is 5-fluorouracil, commonly known as 5-FU and marketed in the United States under various brand names including Adrucil.

According to researchers gastrointestinal (digestive) Dr Gordon Howarth, "Grape seed extract shows great potential as an anti-inflammatory treatment for a variety of intestinal diseases and may now be applied as an anti-cancer treatment."

Research conducted in Australia found that grape seed extract caused a decline of 55 percent in the chemotherapy-induced inflammation and increased 26 percent in the ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.

In addition, the researchers found no adverse effects in healthy colon tissue of the use of grape seed extract in high concentrations.

Conclusion team, as reported in Plos One: "Grape seed extract may be a new therapeutic option to reduce the symptoms of intestinal mucositis [inflammation and ulceration] at the same time have an impact on the survival of cells of colon cancer."

There is ongoing research to determine whether grape seed extract may prevent cancer in addition to help treat it. So far, these studies have been inconclusive.

Although grape seed extract is quite new in the US, but the grape seeds have been used for years in Europe to treat a number of diseases.

Research has shown that grape seed extract helpful for some heart conditions, including high cholesterol. This supplement has also been used to treat chronic venous insufficiency (poor circulation) and eye disease related to diabetes.

But keep in mind is that grape seed extract may interact with some blood thinners and painkillers NSAIDs such as aspirin, Advil, and Aleve, so consult with your doctor before taking them.
Key Benefits Dinner Early

Key Benefits Dinner Early

Health problems related to diet such as obesity or diabetes are common, and increasingly more people have it. It is usually caused by the choice of food or unhealthy eating patterns. Unhealthy foods are less able to digest properly can cause the disorder.

One of the things that often cause such problems was dinnertime, let alone the food consumed is a heavy meal. Yet a few hours later you've entered the sleep clock and system in your body will stop working. Therefore, you are advised to eat dinner early or much before entering the sleeping hours.

Benefit Dinner Early

Early dinner has good benefits for the body, including:

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Avoid increase stomach acid

If you eat a heavy meal before bedtime, you'll most likely feel uncomfortable when lying in bed. On the other hand, gastric acid also increased and caused a burning feeling in the heart. Early dinner helps you to prevent these problems.

Providing a longer time to digest food

With an early dinner, you will give a longer time so that the food can be digested properly. Because when you sleep, digestion of food can not be perfect and ultimately lead to digestive problems.

avoiding obesity

Research has shown that obesity and dinner had a close relationship. This is because the system penceraan body can not take place properly during night. In addition, the system tends to slow down the body's metabolism. An early dinner to help you minimize the risk for obesity.

Reduce the tendency of overeating

An early dinner will help you reduce the tendency to eat more or excessively. This is because the distance between the lunch and dinner early is not too long, so that the stomach will not feel too hungry at night. Thus, the portion of the dinner would not be too much.

The body has a natural clock to digestion. Above 5 pm is the time in which the body will digest food. Therefore, do not overload it works with eating too much or eating a heavy meal. You are advised to eat dinner before 7pm. If you eat more than an hour a night, can be digestive problems that you can.
5 Simple Tips to Keep Energizing Daytime

5 Simple Tips to Keep Energizing Daytime

The day is a time that is not favored by most workers. This is due to a feeling tired or lethargic start toward them. This is because energy is full since early morning, slowly began to recede and lower during the day so they become tired and less powerful. If this has happened, luggage tend to feel sleepy and lazy that makes his work undisturbed.

Some Ways to Keep Calming in Daytime

Are you including those that experience it? If yes, then no need to worry. There are several solutions that can be done to help keep you energized, even in daylight. What are they? Check out his review below.
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1. Sports in the morning

One surefire tips to make your stay energized is to exercise in the morning. Exercise in the morning can provide many benefits for you. In addition to keeping your body in shape, exercise done in the morning will help keep the body's energy levels steady throughout the day. Therefore, it's good exercise in the morning are scheduled regularly to keep your body stay fit.

2. Stroll

Try to take a walk at least 10 minutes when recess came. Stroll will make the body and the mind becomes fresh again. After working and sit around all day, walk in will restore your energy is drained while you work.

3. Eat lighter

Avoid eating too much or eating heavy meals during the day. It can cause drowsiness and bring a sense of lazy. You are encouraged to eat foods that are fresh and light as vegetables and fruit. Avoid junk food or fast food.

4. Drink green tea

To restore energy, sometimes you need a little caffeine. However, if you are not a coffee drinker, you are advised to drink green tea are also both contain caffeine. In fact it is known that caffeine in green tea will be more refreshing and can help your body re-energized without resulting in jitter as you feel when drinking coffee.

5. Stretch the body

Perform some simple movements or stretching the body in your work space to make you more energetic and vibrant. Stretching the body also can help increase blood flow and provide oxygen to the brain. As is known, that the lack of oxygen can make you drowsy.

That's a few reviews about simple ways to make your re-energized and excited, especially in the afternoon. Hopefully this article helpful.
Things That Can Interfere Kidney Function

Things That Can Interfere Kidney Function

The kidneys are very important and has a vital role to maintain the health of our bodies. If the condition of the kidney is interrupted, then it will also affect our overall health. Therefore, to maintain the condition of the kidneys to keep it functioning properly is a must. One way to preserve it is to adopt a good lifestyle and avoid things that can damage the kidneys.

There are several things that can interfere with the performance of the kidneys, which are:
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The adverse effects of alcohol on the health of the body seems undisputed. Not only are at stake liver, kidney could also damaged as a result of drinking.

2. smoking

One of the bad habits that can damage the kidneys is smoking. Smoking can interfere with blood circulation to various organs. If the circulation is disrupted, the kidney function will also be disturbed and troubled.

3. Soda

According to a 2008 study, people who drank two or more sodas per day, are at great risk for developing chronic kidney disease. Although it is not yet clear relationship between renal damage and soft drinks, but according to The New York Times, soft drinks contain high levels of phosphoric acid. The acid is associated with kidney stones and other kidney problems, including kidney failure.

4. Holding pee

Procrastination or holding urine can also affect kidney function. Delaying urinating for a long time can make the bladder is squeezed, and this is not good for the kidneys.

5. Lack of drinking water

Meet the need for water intake is important. Water can get rid of toxins in the body. Less drinking akir can trigger a buildup of toxins in the blood, and this can interfere with kidney function.

6. Lack of movement

Lack of exercise or physical activity can also affect the kidneys. In addition to good overall health, exercise can also help prevent kidney problems. Physical activity or exercise that can considerably reduce the risk of kidney problems by up to 30 percent.

7. Lack of sleep

It has quality and a good sleep is important. Lack of sleep is also known to affect the health of the kidneys and can damage it. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep.

8. Lack of vitamin

People who lack certain vitamins are also at risk of developing kidney problems. As well as vitamin B6 deficiency, where it can cause kidney stones. Therefore, you are advised to adopt a healthy diet and a balanced diet. Some foods are good to eat are peas, beef liver, fish, and potatoes.

9. Lack of minerals

As with vitamins, certain minerals deficiency also affects the kidney condition. If the body lacks magnesium, the body is unable to absorb calcium properly. If calcium can not be absorbed optimally, then it can cause kidney stones. To overcome this, you can eat leafy vegetables, beans, grains, and nuts.

10. Excess salt

Eating foods high in salt risk of causing blood pressure to rise. In addition, if you consume too much salt, the kidneys work load will be heavier and difficulty remove excess salt.

11. Excess Protein

Health experts reveal that protein intake in high amounts can harm the kidneys, depends also on other factors. Kidney will work very hard when you consume high protein foods in large quantities.

12. Taking certain medications

The habit of consuming painkillers known also can affect kidney function. You should know about the side effects of the medications you are taking. You can consult with your doctor about the side effects of the medications you are taking.