Drastic Weight Down By Suddenly? Check the condition of your health!

The term 'weight loss' is not always meaningful positive. If the weight down because there was a process behind it, such as diet or exercise, then it is natural and normal. But if your weight plummeted suddenly without any previous process such as diet program or exercise routine, then you should be aware of it. This could be linked to certain conditions you are experiencing. Just what is this?

Drastic Down Weight Loss and Disease Specific Symptoms

Source ; www.nhs.uk

1. Depression

Depression can cause weight loss indirectly, and it is difficult to explain clearly. But usually, people who are depressed often have difficulty sleeping, eating, or other routine activities. Many minds as a result of depression can reduce a person's appetite. For problems related to depression, you should consult with an expert.

2. Hyperthyroidism

Very active thyroid can produce excessive thyroxine. This can dramatically increase the body's metabolism, which in turn will make the weight so down drastically, the body is sweating, and become more irritable. To overcome this, there is an anti-thyroid drugs which could help lower the rate of production of thyroid hormones. However, diagnosis and treatment must be done correctly.

3. Diabetes

Most people often associate diabetes with obesity and overweight. In fact it is the opposite, where after investigation, weight loss is a sign of the onset of diabetes. This is due to increased levels of glucose and frequency of urination which causes shrinkage of muscle mass. Early detection and drug control insulin levels is a good solution to overcome this disease.

4. Celiac Disease

Most people intolerant to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in foods such as wheat or barley. So, when eating gluten, the body will produce an immune reaction in the small intestine. Over time, it will cause inflammation and potentially damage the lining of the small intestine that could make a lack of absorption of nutrients. Damage to the lining of the small intestine will ultimately lead to weight loss and diarrhea. Until now there is no definitive cure for Celiac disease overcome.

5. Tuberculosis

TB (Tuberculosis) in a serious and chronic condition can be contagious and spread into the air. If your immune system is weak, then you are at risk of developing this disease. One of the signs that can be seen if a person is exposed to tuberculosis are weight loss dramatically. Long-term treatment and some certain types of medication can help eliminate the infection of the disease.

6. Cancer

Drastic weight loss and occurs suddenly is one of the symptoms of cancer. Abnormal cells grow uncontrollably and potentially damaging normal cells from cancer patients. Cancer can spread throughout the body, and the disease is life-threatening. Early detection can increase survival rates.


One of the symptoms are often visible from patients with AIDS is weight loss drastically. AIDS is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), and virus damage or weaken the human immune system. Although there are ways to slow the rate of perekembangan virus, but AIDS has not completely cured.
