5 Habits inhibitors Descent Weight

Regular exercise may be one of the most popular choices for weight loss. However, it seems not enough, because it must be balanced with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One way is to avoid some habits that can lead to accumulation of fat in the abdomen. What are these habits? Here's his review ..

Habit-the habit inhibitors Descent Weight

Source ; www.cyffur.com

1. Drinking fizzy drinks

If the can not miss a day without drinking soda, then you are at risk for experiencing stomach distended. According to the study, drinking a can of soda every day can cause your waistline grow five times faster compared to those who did not consume soda each day. This is because soda has a high sugar content that triggers you to eat more.

2. Eat midnight

Although naturally the body will burn fat while sleeping, such a mechanism is difficult to work well when you sleep on a full stomach condition. Eating late at night will make you sleep on a full stomach. Besides can cause fat deposits in the abdomen, to sleep with a full stomach can interfere with digestion. To fix this, you can eat small meals at night and did not sleep for 3 hours after a meal.

3. Eat with a big plate

When eating, you sebainya pay attention to the size of plates used. This looks trivial, but its influence can not be underestimated. Yng A survey conducted on obese people find that they tend to choose large plate at mealtime. Large plates allows you to take more food. It can make you eat more than the body needs.

4. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep could be one reason why your weight easy to ride. When the body fails to meet adequate sleep (7-9 hours), the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) will rise. It encourages you to eat foods that contain lots of sugar.

5. Eating when sad or angry

Emotions are rising can make a person eat more. Not a few of the people who are emotionally vent his frustration on food, and this is certainly not good. Uncontrolled food intake can make fat deposits in the abdomen. Instead, you can change this bad habit by eating drinking lots of water when angry.
