Keep Healthy Skin With 5 Type Foods

If you want to get healthy skin, one of the best ways you can do is to consume nutritious foods on a regular basis. Although available a wide range of healthy foods on earth, but there are certain foods that can help maintain optimal skin health. This is certainly very good if these foods are always involved in your daily menu. Just what is this? Here's his review ..

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1. Fruits
Easily found and rich in benefits, fruits contain a number of vitamins and minerals that offer multiple benefits for health, including skin health. Some fruits are recommended for consumption is likely to brightly colored such as orange, yellow, and red. You can pick oranges, tomatoes, pineapple, avocado, and berries.

Fruits such as this generally contains vitamin C which act as antioxidants, which are very useful for fighting free radicals. This will help maintain healthy skin and prevent premature aging.

2. Green vegetables
Green vegetables are recommended to be consumed in this case include spinach, papaya, kale, lettuce, kale, collards, cabbage, and other green vegetables. In green vegetables, contains nutrients that are beneficial to the skin such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins B, C, and E. In addition, levels of antioxidants contained in them (especially spinach) known to be higher when compared to other vegetables. As it is known that antioxidants have a role in protecting and reducing the effects of skin damage arising as a result of exposure to sunlight and free radicals.

3. Grains and Cereals
Two types of these foods are known to contain nutrients such as selenium were also able to help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Some examples of grains in question are pumpkin seeds, flax seeds (linseed), chia seeds, sesame, and sunflower seeds. In addition there are also foods such as oatmeal, barley, quinoa and brown rice.

4. Fish and marine products
Marine animals such as shrimp, squid, lobster, octopus, oysters, and fish such as salmon, tuna, snapper and other fish containing omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids are very good for keeping the levels of the skin's natural oils that keep skin moist. On the other hand, oysters contain zinc mineral that plays a role helping to regenerate the skin, controlling inflammation, and reduce skin damage caused by free radicals.

5. Nuts
Nuts such as walnuts, peas, macadamia, cashew nuts, brazil nuts contain essential nutrients such as vitamin E, selenium, and essential fatty acids that can maintain skin health and overcome the damage caused by sun exposure.

In addition to the five types of foods that have been mentioned, drinking water is also one of the best ways to maintain the health of your skin. The body's need for water is fulfilled properly will keep your skin well hydrated as well, so that moisture come awake, which in turn helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Water is also known to help the absorption of nutrients from food so much easier, as well as the blood circulation of the skin.
