4 Healthy Tips to Lose Weight After Childbirth

4 Healthy Tips to Lose Weight After Childbirth

Getting back ideal body weight postpartum is not easy. Many mothers stress due to the weight does not go down after they have children. Sometimes, they've done a strict diet and exercise routine, but according to their avail. That must be understood is that the ideal weight gain after giving birth takes time and can not be rushed. Maybe you've been exercising, but diet is unhealthy, as fond of eating fried foods and so on. This is one reason why your weight does not go down.

Safety Tips to Get the Ideal Body Weight After Childbirth

Source ; mom.girlstalkinsmack.com

There are some safety tips for women who want to lose weight postpartum, as quoted from Wolipop the following, among others:

1. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the most healthy and easy for women who just gave birth to lose weight. According to Dr. Raul Artal, breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the newborn, but also beneficial for the mother. Breastfeeding assessed can burn about 600 calories in a day. The amount is equal to the calories spent during cycling for 1 hour.

2. Set a healthy diet

Postpartum, a woman needs good nutrition to breastfeeding. Therefore, rather than a strict diet nan torture, the better you manage your diet healthier. A healthy diet can also be interpreted as a 'balanced diet', by choosing a menu of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, and so on. In addition, avoid the less healthy foods such as fried foods, sweet or fatty foods.

3. Drink enough water

Fluid intake to the body should be met properly. White water is believed to be the best drink for health. Besides being able to remove toxins from the body, plain water can also help you in reducing weight. Therefore, meet the body's need for fluid intake by drinking enough water, at least 8 glasses per day.

4. Activity with your baby

Actually, by taking care of the baby every day, whether it's changing diapers, breastfeeding, to hold him, subconsciously - calories in your body burned. This in turn makes your body weight is reduced little by little naturally. In addition, you can also move or play with the baby. Bring your baby 'walks' with a stroller around the housing every morning or evening.
Drastic Weight Down By Suddenly? Check the condition of your health!

Drastic Weight Down By Suddenly? Check the condition of your health!

The term 'weight loss' is not always meaningful positive. If the weight down because there was a process behind it, such as diet or exercise, then it is natural and normal. But if your weight plummeted suddenly without any previous process such as diet program or exercise routine, then you should be aware of it. This could be linked to certain conditions you are experiencing. Just what is this?

Drastic Down Weight Loss and Disease Specific Symptoms

Source ; www.nhs.uk

1. Depression

Depression can cause weight loss indirectly, and it is difficult to explain clearly. But usually, people who are depressed often have difficulty sleeping, eating, or other routine activities. Many minds as a result of depression can reduce a person's appetite. For problems related to depression, you should consult with an expert.

2. Hyperthyroidism

Very active thyroid can produce excessive thyroxine. This can dramatically increase the body's metabolism, which in turn will make the weight so down drastically, the body is sweating, and become more irritable. To overcome this, there is an anti-thyroid drugs which could help lower the rate of production of thyroid hormones. However, diagnosis and treatment must be done correctly.

3. Diabetes

Most people often associate diabetes with obesity and overweight. In fact it is the opposite, where after investigation, weight loss is a sign of the onset of diabetes. This is due to increased levels of glucose and frequency of urination which causes shrinkage of muscle mass. Early detection and drug control insulin levels is a good solution to overcome this disease.

4. Celiac Disease

Most people intolerant to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in foods such as wheat or barley. So, when eating gluten, the body will produce an immune reaction in the small intestine. Over time, it will cause inflammation and potentially damage the lining of the small intestine that could make a lack of absorption of nutrients. Damage to the lining of the small intestine will ultimately lead to weight loss and diarrhea. Until now there is no definitive cure for Celiac disease overcome.

5. Tuberculosis

TB (Tuberculosis) in a serious and chronic condition can be contagious and spread into the air. If your immune system is weak, then you are at risk of developing this disease. One of the signs that can be seen if a person is exposed to tuberculosis are weight loss dramatically. Long-term treatment and some certain types of medication can help eliminate the infection of the disease.

6. Cancer

Drastic weight loss and occurs suddenly is one of the symptoms of cancer. Abnormal cells grow uncontrollably and potentially damaging normal cells from cancer patients. Cancer can spread throughout the body, and the disease is life-threatening. Early detection can increase survival rates.


One of the symptoms are often visible from patients with AIDS is weight loss drastically. AIDS is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), and virus damage or weaken the human immune system. Although there are ways to slow the rate of perekembangan virus, but AIDS has not completely cured.
Down 10 Percent Weight Loss Can Reduce Knee Pain

Down 10 Percent Weight Loss Can Reduce Knee Pain

Source ;news.health.com

The fall in Weight Will Reduce Expenses Joints

weight and pain sendiOrang overweight and obese over the age of 55 years and participated in a diet and exercise program tend to experience a reduction in pain in the knee, and their knee function even better after their weight fell by 10 percent. The research is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Research over the 18-month follow up previous findings showing that elderly people who experienced weight loss of 5 percent is also known to decrease knee pain and improve the performance of their knees.

"We think the weight loss of 5 percent only had impact both on the function of the knee, then what if more than that?" Said Stephen Messier, a lead author of the study and professor and director of the laboratory J.B. Snow Biomechanis at Wake Forest University.

The study involved 454 people with overweight and obesity are suffering from knee pain due to osteoarthritis. They were randomly divided into three groups, ie groups that diet alone, exercise alone, and a combination of diet and exercise. The participants put in place to follow an exercise program three times a week including walking sessions 2 x 15 minutes, separated by weights or strength training session for 20 minutes.

"It takes a total of 1 hour, including heating and cooling," said Messier. "It is not something extraordinary and almost anyone can do it. We thought, we get this result with a very practical way. "

Calorie restriction imposed the participants proved to be effective. Researchers restricting calorie intake each participant about 1100 to 1200 calories per day. Approximately 88 percent of the participants were able to follow the research program through to completion 18 months, the researchers found the following results:

Participants who do not program a combination of diet and exercise lost weight better than those who just diet or exercise alone.

Groups that do diet and exercise to feel reduction of knee pain, knee function better, runs faster speeds and better quality of life (related to physical health) compared to those who apply for sport.
Group and the diet plus exercise decreased inflammation compared to those who apply for sport.
Group and the diet alone decreased the load on the knee joints compared to those who exercise alone.
The researchers also noted that there is a significant result of weight loss, which is more and more weight is down, then it will also affect their overall health.

"By convincing, the group experienced a weight loss of 10 percent of the total weight of each individual, experienced a significant decrease in pain, better knee function, as well as a decrease in the joints and inflammation," said Messier.

The findings of this study should encourage obese people suffering from knee pain to lose weight. In addition, people with arthritis should also check the condition to the doctor first before doing the diet and exercise.
3 Bad Habits Destroyer Diet

3 Bad Habits Destroyer Diet

One way to lose weight is through diet or a healthy diet. However, if a healthy diet is done irregularly and instead often breaking taboos, then the results are not optimal, even diet can be said to fail. Related restrictions, there are certain bad habits that can affect the diet program that is being undertaken. Just what is this? Here are some bad habits that can ruin your diet program, such as:

Source ;uk.pinterest.com

1. Drinking alcoholic beverages

Drinking alcohol is a bad habit that not only can disrupt the overall health but can also ruin your diet program. Alcohol can change and trigger hunger hormone that makes you eat more food. In addition, alcohol can also affect other brain areas that tend to make you eat more than usual. Alcohol is also known to disrupt sleep which can make you less sleep. Lack of sleep in turn may also affect your diet program.

 2. Lack of sleep

As just described, lack of sleep has a relationship with the diet. Lack of sleep can increase hunger hormone and tends to make people eat more than usual. Research has shown that people who sleep less often feel more tired and generally ends by eating more food.

3. Too much watching television

Various studies have shown that people who spend too long watching television tend to have more body fat. This is because they are less mobile. This condition will be worse if you eat while watching television, because it can make a person eat more than the portion that is supposed to be. Watching television is fine, but should not be too long and Balance also with enough activity so that more body motion.

That's some bad habits that unknowingly can ruin a diet program. If you want a successful healthy diet program, you should beware of these things.
Lose Weight With 9 Foods Lose Weight With 9 Foods

Lose Weight With 9 Foods Lose Weight With 9 Foods

If you want to lose weight, then one thing you have to do is better regulate eating and smart to measure the amount of calories that go with the amount burned. In addition, eating certain types of foods can also help reduce weight. There are some foods that can help you full longer, so the desire to snack is not too large. There are also foods that can aid the body's metabolism, making it quite help weight loss program that is being carried out.

Source ;sehatalamiorganik.wordpress.com

Some Foods Help Lose Weight

Here are some foods that can help you lose weight, including:

1. Grains

Grains contain high fiber and take a long time to digest. This means eating grain will give a sense of satiety for longer and prevents you from overeating. One group suggested grain to eat is beans. In addition to cheap and filling, beans contain protein which is nice and needed by the body.

2. Soups

Initiate your lunch with a serving of soup was the right step. Soup will increase your energy and quite filling. It does not matter what you eat soup, either watery or thick, as long as the soup containing meat broth. The recommended intake is 100 to 150 calories per serving. So, try not to add butter or cream.

3. Dark Chocolate

If you want you can enjoy chocolate between meals. But choose dark chocolate than milk chocolate. This is in line with a study that found that people who were given dark chocolate known to eat pizza 15% fewer hours later, than those who choose chocolate milk.

4. Eggs and Sausage

Breakfast with high protein foods can help you eat less at the next hour. A study involving a group of young obese women, found that those who mengasup 35 grams of protein at breakfast time tend to quickly feel full. The amount of calories they consume at breakfast was 350 calories, including eggs and sausage beef. The protein-rich breakfast give full effect long enough, and last much longer when they limit their intake of sweets and fatty foods as compared to the women who started the day by eating cereal.

 5. Vegetables

Do not forget to add vegetables into your diet menu. In addition to nutritious and healthful, vegetables can also help reduce the number of calories that enter. Currently, researchers from Penn State added Zucchini (a kind of small pumpkin) and cauliflower puree, study participants involved turned out to be more like the food they ate. However, note also that they eat 200 to 350 calories fewer calories.

6. Nuts

If you're hungry but not time meals, you can eat a healthy snack like a handful of almonds, walnuts, pecans (curly beans) and nuts. Research shows that when a person eats peanuts, they tend to eat less at mealtime.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt has good benefits for health and can help reduce your waist size. Research from Harvard University involving 120 thousand people for more than 10 years, proving that the various types of food, yogurt became one of the most effective in reducing weight.

8. Apples

In addition to nuts, fruits, especially apples could also be the perfect choice to be a healthy snack when his hungry whack. This is because apples contain fiber intact, thus providing a satiating effect in quite a long time. Plus, chewing activity will give a signal to the brain that you're eating something in a large amount or a lot.

9. Grapefruit

Fruit is still in the family citrus or orange is quite popular in the western countries, especially the United States. Grapefruit is a fruit that contains many essential nutrients for the body and can help your diet program, especially for people with diabetes. Based on the findings of research at Scripps Clinic, San Diego, found that obese people who ate half a grapefruit before meals, decreased the average weight of 1.35 kg in 12 weeks. Regularly drink grapefruit juice also produce the same effect.

3 Signs Your Child Nutrition Deficiency

Nutrition plays an important role on intelligence and child development. Optimal nutrition (balanced) in the future development of the child have a considerable influence on the development of the child in the future and also for the effect on his health.

Some Signs Child Nutrition Deficiency

Source ; www.zinepool.com
If viewed from the standpoint of health, nutritional deficiencies including important issues can not be underestimated for granted. This is because it can interfere with the growth and development of children as a whole, including impaired brain development. There are some side or signs that can be observed when children nutritional deficiencies, including:

1. Less excited

One sign of the child has nutritional deficiencies are less excited, felt weak and without strength. This is certainly going to disrupt the learning process of the child. He would have difficulty responding to stimulation from the outside environment.

2. endurance decreases

Children with nutritional deficiencies often experience decreased endurance significant. This condition will cause him prone to various diseases and interfere with the development of motor skills. In addition, the learning process of the external environment will also be disrupted.

3. Growth and impaired body functions

If you see your child impaired growth and body functions, such as kids 'no' can grow more or less blood, it could be an indicator that he is a lack of nutrients.

As for the signs of child nutritional deficiencies that can not be observed directly is a disorder of the structure and biochemistry of the brain. Results of a preliminary study showed that the total volume of brain structures will reach its highest point at the age of 14.5 years for boys and 11.5 years for girls.

Approximately 95% of the total volume of the brain will be achieved when the child was 6 years old. Although the relationship between cognitive function in brain volume can not be ascertained, but it is expected that a larger brain size to provide greater capacity for the development of nerve cells.

Therefore, you as parents should keep your child's intake of nutrients so that he was not a lack of nutrients that can cause various health problems and functions of the body.
7 Signs Signs Protein Deficiency

7 Signs Signs Protein Deficiency

Protein is an important component of the body. Organs, muscles, nerves and the immune system, to some extent, made up of protein. You can call any of the structures of the body, and it may have some amount of protein in it. Because the protein is one of the important elements for the body, you need to ensure that your body has enough of it.

Some of the signs you do not get enough protein

Source ; dedisugandi6.blogspot.com

Lack of protein in your body usually has signs and symptoms that are described in the body changes. What is it like? Here's the explanation.

1. Hair thinning

While genetics can be a critical factor for thinning hair, lack of protein can also be a cause. When we do not get enough protein, the body will go into "conservation mode" and stop sending valuable protein to nourish hair and nails. That is why hair and nail health is an important indicator that can provide a signal to you, if the body lacks protein or not.

2. Eyes swollen

Protein deficiency can reduce the amount of plasma proteins in the blood that will lead to a condition called edema. A decrease in the plasma protein can be caused by liver stores iron in sufficient quantities. If iron is not available to assist the production of hemoglobin, anemia can occur and the swelling began.

3. Fatigue

Protein deficiency can affect your physical condition. This is due to low energy. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Protein deficiency can reduce your mental acuity thus impedes the ability to respond. Therefore, if you often feel tired and lack of energy, it could be your body is not getting enough protein intake.

4. Decreased muscle size

Protein deficiency can cause a decrease in muscle size. The size of your muscles begin to decline when you are deficient in protein. If your body does not get enough protein from daily food intake, then the muscles will sacrifice its own network.

5. Tend to choose instant food

Experts say that without enough protein to stabilize your blood sugar, your body tends to look for a solution that is quick to oblige. It can be said that, when the body lacks protein, you tend to eat foods that tend to be instant as fast food (junk food, fast food), candy, and so forth.

6. Frequent disease

If you are frequently attacked by the disease, it could be you are not getting adequate protein intake. Protein is one of the keys to getting a strong immune system. Protein become an important cornerstone of the creation of red blood cells, white blood cells and antibodies, all of which work together to fend off bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in your body.

7. Diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea can be an indicator of malabsorption, which means that the nutrients are not fully absorbed by the body. Malabsorption can be triggered by infections, surgery, certain drugs, consumption of alcohol, and gastrointestinal disorders such as celiac sprue, and Crohn's disease.

Foods high in protein

Legumes or we simply call the nuts are a good source of vegetable protein for the body. Fill your protein needs by eating nuts on a regular basis, such as peanuts, red beans, green beans, soy beans, and so on.

Eggs contain protein that is high enough, but more importantly egg contains eight essential amino acids which is very good to support the health of the body.

Grains contain more protein than most people think. Even eating and combining various types of grains can provide more protein than a serving of meat.
Getting to Know More About the Heart and its Role

Getting to Know More About the Heart and its Role

Heart or liver is the largest solid organ and the largest gland in the human body. The liver is located just below the diaphragm on the right side of the body and has a number of important roles. Classified as part of the digestive system, the liver's role includes detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of chemicals needed for digestion. This article will explain some important points about the liver, including primary role, how the liver regenerates, what happens when the liver is not functioning properly, and how to keep it healthy.

Source ;berita-sulsel.com

Some interesting facts about the heart

Hearts classified as a gland.
The liver performs more than 500 roles in the human body.
The only organ that can regenerate.
Is the largest solid organ in the body.
Carbohydrates are broken down and stored as glycogen in the liver.
One important task is to remove toxins from the body.
Alcohol is one of the main causes of disruption of liver function.
Yellow fever and malaria affects the liver.
Albumin is produced in the liver and help prevent blood vessels from 'leakage'.
Heart Structure

Hearts have a reddish-brown color with a chewy texture, located above and to the left abdomen and below the lungs. It weighs between 1.44 to 1.66 kg. Only the skin is the only organ that is heavier and larger. Hearts approximately triangular and consists of two lobes, a larger right lobe and a smaller left lobe.

Blood vessel

Unlike most organs, the liver has two main sources of blood. The first is the portal vein carries nutrient-rich blood from the intestines and spleen to the liver. Secondly, the hepatic artery which carries oxygenated blood from the heart.

Liver function

As mentioned previously, that the heart has an important role for the body, which are:

Production of bile
Bile helps the small intestine to break down and absorb fat, cholesterol, and some vitamins. Bile consists of bile salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, electrolytes, and water.

Absorb and metabolize bilirubin
Bilirubin is formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin. Iron released from hemoglobin will be stored in the liver or bone marrow, and is used to create the next generation of blood cells.

Help create a blood clotting factor (anticoagulant)
Vitamin K is needed to make certain coagulant, and to absorb vitamin K, bile is essential. Bile is made in the liver. If the liver does not produce enough bile, then the clotting factor can not be produced.

Metabolise fats
Bile breaks down fat to make it more digestible.

Metabolizes carbohydrates
Carbohydrates stored in the liver in which carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and sucked into the bloodstream to maintain normal glucose levels. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen and released when a quick burst of energy whenever needed.

Storing vitamins and minerals
Liver stores vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12. Liver keep a number of these vitamins are saved. Iron of hemoglobin in the form of ferritin is stored in the liver, ready to make red blood cells new. The liver also stores of copper and release it when needed.

Helps metabolize proteins
Bile helps break down protein to make it easy to digest.

Blood filter
Hearts filter and eliminate compounds from the body, including hormones such as estrogen and aldosterone, and the compound from outside the body, such as alcohol or other drugs.

Function Immunology
The liver is part of the mononuclear phagocyte system that contains a large number of immunologically active cells called Kupffer cells; these cells can destroy pathogens that enter the liver through the intestines.

Albumin production
Albumin is the most common protein in blood serum. Albumin transports fatty acids and steroid hormones to help maintain the correct osmotic pressure and prevent 'leakage' of blood vessels.

Synthesis of angiotensinogen
This hormone increases blood pressure through vasoconstriction when 'warned' through the production of renin (an enzyme produced by the kidneys, helps control blood pressure).

Liver Regeneration

Because of the importance of the heart and its function, evolution has ensured that if given the opportunity to struggle, the liver can grow back very quickly. This capability was seen in all vertebrates, from fish to humans. The liver is the only organ visceral with the ability to regenerate.

The liver can regenerate completely during at least 25% of the fixed network. One of the most impressive aspects of this capability is that regrowth (regrow) to the size and capabilities previously achievable without loss of function.

In mice, if two-thirds of the liver removed, within 5-7 days remaining liver tissue can grow back to its original size. In humans, this process takes a little longer, but usually occurs within 8-15 days. Over the next few weeks, a new heart tissue will be reassembled be indistinguishable from the original network.

This regeneration is assisted by a number of compounds, including growth factors and cytokines. Some important compounds in this process appears to be a hepatocyte growth factor, insulin, transforming growth factor-alpha, epidermal growth factor, interleukin-6, and norepinephrine.

Liver Disease

With the organ as complex as the liver, there are many problems that may occur. Just like other organs, the liver works magically. And if it does not work well anymore, then the consequences could be a big problem. Some examples of liver disease:

Caused by the invasion of the liver fluke parasite of the genus Fasciola. Fascioliasis is a disease of the tropics; worms can lie dormant in the liver for months or years.
Fibrous tissue replaces liver cells (fibrosis). This condition can be caused by a number of factors, including toxins, alcohol and hepatitis. Fibrosis can cause liver failure as a function of the liver cells have been destroyed.
Caused by viruses, toxins, or autoimmune response. Hepatitis ditandain with inflammation of the liver. In many cases, the liver can heal itself, but the worst-case scenario is liver failure.
Alcoholic liver disease
Excessive alcohol consumption over long periods of time can cause liver damage - scarring and cirrhosis. This is the most common cause of liver disease, especially in western countries.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
PSC is a serious inflammatory disease of the bile ducts. The cause until now not known, but is thought to result from an autoimmune response. In addition, there is no medical therapy has so far proven to overcome this disease.
Fatty liver disease (fatty liver disease)
Usually in conjunction with obesity or alcohol abuse, vacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells. This condition is reversible and does not seem to cause too many ill effects.
Gilbert's syndrome
A genetic disorder that affects 3-12% of the population. Bilirubin can not be broken down fairly well. Mild jaundice may occur, but these disorders are not dangerous.
Heart cancer
The most common form is hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. The main cause of liver cancer is alcohol and hepatitis. One of the most common forms of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths.
Maintaining liver health

Here are some recommendations to help maintain a healthy heart to work properly:

Keeping food intake with good
Because the liver is responsible for digesting fat, excess lipids can make it work too hard and disturb him to perform other tasks. In addition, obesity can also cause fatty liver disease. Therefore, keep the food intake patterns well.

Avoiding alcohol
Avoid alcohol as much as possible. Moreover consume alcohol in large quantities can cause liver cirrhosis. Solving alcohol can produce chemicals toxic to the liver, such as acetaldehyde and free radicals.

Guard against chemicals
If you are often dealing with chemicals contained in cleaning products, carpentry, etc., you should use a mask, gloves, long sleeves, and a hat. When working indoors, make sure the room is well ventilated. This is because the liver has the potential to deal with toxins that enter the body related chemicals around you.

If you are at risk of contracting hepatitis or condition you've been infected with any form of viral hepatitis, consult a doctor, if necessary, ask whether you should get the vaccine for hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

Use medications wisely
Drug consumption only when necessary, in accordance with the recommended dose, or a doctor's advice. Do not mix any medicines, including mixing between herbal supplements, prescription drugs, or drugs.
4 Tips to Prevent Anemia

4 Tips to Prevent Anemia

Do you often feel faint and difficult to concentrate? If yes, then maybe you're anemic. Difficulty concentrating and often feel fatigue can occur because the body anemia or anemia. Anemia can be caused partly because of the lack of vitamin B-12 and iron. The main source of vitamin B-12 and iron are the most important of the food. Therefore, to prevent this, the body needs food intake varies with nutrient levels balanced.

Tips to Reduce Risk For Affected Anemia

As reported by the klikdokter.com, here are some simple tips to keep the body in order not to lack of blood, which are:

Source : www.istudentnurse.com

1. Eating foods rich in iron.
You can meet the body's need for iron by eating certain foods such as nuts, liver, tofu, oysters, fish, lean red meat, green vegetables such as spinach and dried fruits like raisins.

2. Eating foods that can help absorb iron.
Iron into the body will feel useless if they are not absorbed properly. It takes the content of other nutrients such as vitamin C which can help the body to absorb iron. Therefore, you should consume orange juice, broccoli, strawberries, and fruit or vegetables rich in vitamin C.

3. Avoid drinking tea or coffee while eating.
These drinks can prevent the body to absorb iron.

4. Eating foods rich in vitamin B12.
Meet the need for vitamin B12 as you can in beef liver, oysters, eggs, poultry, meat, fish, milk, and other dairy products. In addition, yeast and some cereal products also contain vitamin B12.

Make sure you eat foods are varied. The food was varied and have a balanced nutrition can help prevent anemia. Too strict diet is also one of the risk factors that lead to anemia. Pregnant women and women in general susceptible to anemia, especially when they are menstruating. Therefore, they should be more strict in maintaining the health of the body to meet the needs of foods that have been mentioned. Hopefully this article useful.
6 Simple Ways to Control Uric Acid Levels

6 Simple Ways to Control Uric Acid Levels

Gout occurs due to excessive consumption of purine substances. Purine is processed in the body into uric acid, but if the levels are excessive, the kidneys are not able to remove it through the urine. This in turn makes uric acid accumulate in the joints. If this buildup occurs, then the sendipun be painful, inflamed, and then swelling. Therefore, we must be smart control the levels of uric acid in our body.
Simple Tips to control uric acid levels
To control the levels of uric acid is actually not too difficult, and it can be started from the change in lifestyle healthier. There are some simple tips to control uric acid in the body, some of which are:

Source ; www.blessteaonline.com
1. Eating lots of fiber
According to some studies, fiber-rich foods can control uric acid in the body. So it would not hurt you to try these tips to eat fiber-rich foods such as vegetables that levels of uric acid in the body is maintained normal.
2. Cooking with olive oil
Compared with other oils, olive oil contains fatty acids lower. Therefore, try replacing the usual cooking oil with olive oil when cooking.
3. Avoid sugary foods
Sweet foods have a very high sugar content and this can increase uric acid in the body. Therefore, avoid or cut back consumption of foods high in sugar and switch to healthier foods such as fruits.
4. Drink plenty of water
Uric acid will come out easily through the urine if you increase the consumption of water. Make sure your daily fluid needs are met properly. Water is the best drink for the body.
5. Eat cherries
Cherry is one kind of good fruit to eat when you are suffering from gout. Cherries have anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory that is good for the control of uric acid.
6. Increase your intake of vitamin C
Vitamin C is one type of vitamin that can control uric acid in your body. Consume at least 500 milligrams of vitamin C on a daily basis can make the body more healthy and minimize the risk of gout.
Uric acid can cause severe pain in certain body parts. Hopefully these simple tips can help you to control the levels of uric acid in your body.
Healthy Diet Can Prevent Heart Disease Risk

Healthy Diet Can Prevent Heart Disease Risk

A healthy diet will move our bodies more healthy direction anyway. Eating the right foods and healthy is very beneficial in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) so that the risk of heart disease will also be reduced.
If left too long the bad cholesterol in the body, it will lead to atherosclerosis and blood vessel blockage. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which there is blockage of the blood vessels, which in turn can lead to heart attack and death.
Healthy Eating Strategies For Preventing Heart Disease
To prevent the risk of heart disease, one way is to adopt a healthy diet. There are several strategies that can be applied related to the diet, which are as follows:

Source ; tunggo.com
1. Lots of eating fish
Fish is a good source of protein and other nutrients. Fish are also rich in omega-3 can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish high in omega-3 such as salmon twice a week.
2. Consumption of fruits, vegetables, beans, and wheat
Experts advise to consume these foods because it has proven to be robust in the fight against heart disease.
3. Consumption of the right fats
Fat does not always give a bad impact on the body. The body still needs fat to dissolve Vitamin A, D, E, and K. Fat is also a producer of the highest energy. However, if too much to consume fat, it will cause problems. The way to overcome this is:
Limiting the intake of total fat
Reduce your intake of trans fat and no more than 10% saturated fat. Butter and cheese are some foods that contain trans fatty acids, while saturated fats are commonly found in meat, cheese, milk, coconut oil, cream, and so forth.
If you want to increase the intake of fat, choose foods that contain monounsaturated fats or double as avocado, peanut, olive oil, soybeans, walnuts, and so forth.
4. Expand the variety of food
High-protein foods such as dairy products or meat may increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, the balance of nutrients you asup with other healthy foods such as vegetables and fruit.
5. Consumption of complex carbohydrates
Fat is not the only producer of energy. You can also get energy by eating foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, pasta, and potatoes.
Aside from some of the above points, reduce the consumption of sugar, sweet foods and drinks, as well as soft drinks. Hopefully some of these tips useful.
Diet Tips For Kidney Failure Patients

Diet Tips For Kidney Failure Patients

Kidney failure is a condition of decline in kidney function and eventually not work at all. For information, the kidney has a very important role as a filter body electrolytes, as well as maintaining the balance of chemicals and body fluids.

Therefore, patients with kidney failure are routinely required to undergo hemodialysis therapy forever to remove body waste. Due to this organ does not function anymore, one other thing to consider carefully is the consumption of food. It is intended that the health condition of the body is not decreased.

Some tips diet for people with kidney failure

Source ; gejalagagalginjal.com

According NKUDIC (National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse), patients with kidney failure are advised to consult with a nutritionist to determine the right diet. There are some important points when choosing food that will be consumed by people with kidney, which are:

1. Eating protein foods
Eat foods high in protein such as chicken, fish, and meat, but in an equal number.

2. Controlling the intake of potassium
Always control the amount of potassium (potassium) that you asup. Some fruits such as oranges and bananas, and nuts, chocolate and vegetables should be avoided because they contain potassium which is quite high. This is because if too much intake of potassium, it can harm your heart.

3. Controlling the amount of water consumed
When the kidneys are not working, the water will accumulate rapidly into your body. Too much fluid in the body could make this tissue to swell and can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and cramps during dialysis.

4. Avoid salt
You are advised to avoid salt as much as possible. This is because food tends to salty and high in salt can make you thirsty and hold water in your body.

5. Avoid foods high berfosfor
Reduce or limit foods such as cheese, milk, and nuts are dried. These foods contain the mineral phosphorus. Too much phosphorus in the blood can lead to calcium 'go' from your bones so that in the end makes the bones become brittle, weak, and can lead to arthritis. Generally, in order to prevent problems in the bone, the doctor gives some specific drugs must be taken every day.
5 Simple Ways to Speed up Metabolism

5 Simple Ways to Speed up Metabolism

Not everyone has a good metabolism. Some people have a slow metabolism, and it can also be caused due to genetic factors. However, that does not mean the problem can not be overcome. Recent research even suggests that the body may actually be 'fooled' to burn calories more efficiently, especially when you exercise.

Metabolic processes are essential for the body. At the time of metabolism, some substances are broken down to produce energy for vital processes. While other substances needed for life to be synthesized. This chemical process is considered essential to produce energy and nutrients needed to sustain life.

Source ; aswiralodra.wordpress.com

Simple Ways to Speed ​​up Metabolism

There are some simple ways to speed up the body's metabolism in the morning, which are:

Exercise will speed up your metabolism and burn more calories. This activity is a healthy life choice throughout the day. When it does not move, the body tends to want sugary foods are high in calories.

Eating Apples
An apple every morning can also help speed up the body's metabolism. This is because apples are rich in pectin that can drive metabolic processes. Eating apples should also be done before a workout for the body to get energy and prevent hunger.

Drinking water
Drink two glasses of water in the morning before the move very well to cleanse the body of toxins and increase metabolism. Apply it every day and make a part of a healthy lifestyle everyday so that your metabolism for the better.

Drinking vegetable juice
The juice is considered very helps increase metabolism Some green vegetables, fruits, and certain grains, which are then mixed with coconut water, can be a refreshing juice drink. Vegetable juice can help supplement the nutrients the body, a source of energy, and increase metabolism.

Stretch the muscles
When I got to the office or workplace, stretch your muscles and breathe deeply. Only by stretching his arms above his head, a little arm twisting, and draw a deep breath can release tension and burn some calories. This will ultimately affect your metabolism.

Overcoming Baldness Without Drugs

Hair loss is one of the classic problems that must be faced by both men and women. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, half of the number of bald men experience hair loss at the age of 50 years.

Genes play a big role in this, and experts agree that not much can be done to baldness related to genetic factors, although some medications can lessen the occurrence of hair loss. The most popular is minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia), both of which are quite effective but have serious side effects.

Nonetheless, there are many causes of hair loss that you can control, according to Dr. Schwartz, author of Healthy Balance, women's health magazine. Something as simple as changing the way hair care can make the hair grow back.

The hair is dead, can be caused by overuse of tight braids. On the other hand, the use of chemical relaxers and other harsh treatment can cause hair loss.

"Even just to pull your hair too tightly at the moment wants to menguncir hair can also cause hair loss," said Dr. Scwhartz. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends to use conditioner regularly and limit the use of dryers and curling irons.

Treatment and certain medications can also cause hair loss. "We know that people who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation-related cancer will experience hair loss, but not many people are talking about how antibiotics can cause hair loss," says Dr. Schwartz.

Other drugs associated with baldness is a blood thinner, beta-blockers, and blood pressure medications calcium channel blocker (calcium-blocker Channer), antidepressants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory for pain, including ibuprofen.

Stress can also cause hair loss. "Taking care of yourself will help your hair grow back," says Dr. Scwartz. A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise is highly recommended.

Thyroid disorders also cause hair loss. "Most people who have thyroid problems will be hair loss," says Dr. Schwartz. Hair thinning, become rough, and rapid fatigue are common signs of thyroid damage.

Source : http://obat-jawa.blogspot.co.id/

Important Nutrition For Hair Growth

Dr. Schwartz recommends essential nutrients that you should fulfill for hair growth, including:

The dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic have connected between iron deficiency (with or without anemia) with hair loss, and have found that addressing iron deficiency can maximize the patient's ability to grow hair back. Iron can be obtained from red meat, dark leafy vegetables, grains, eggs, and oysters.

Magnesium deficiency, in relation to calcium levels, can cause hair loss. To correct this, reduce the intake of sugar and consume spinach, pumpkin seeds, mackerel, and lentils.

Selenium stimulates the growth of hair follicles. A 2010 study found that low levels of selenium which cause abnormalities in the hair follicles and hair loss. Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, tuna, and sardines.

Some types of vitamin B assessed as having an important role in hair growth, especially biotin, said Dr. Schwartz. Some experts believe that biotin can grow hair back and prevent premature gray hair. Yeast, walnuts, eggs, and sardines are foods that contain biotin.
5 Habits inhibitors Descent Weight

5 Habits inhibitors Descent Weight

Regular exercise may be one of the most popular choices for weight loss. However, it seems not enough, because it must be balanced with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One way is to avoid some habits that can lead to accumulation of fat in the abdomen. What are these habits? Here's his review ..

Habit-the habit inhibitors Descent Weight

Source ; www.cyffur.com

1. Drinking fizzy drinks

If the can not miss a day without drinking soda, then you are at risk for experiencing stomach distended. According to the study, drinking a can of soda every day can cause your waistline grow five times faster compared to those who did not consume soda each day. This is because soda has a high sugar content that triggers you to eat more.

2. Eat midnight

Although naturally the body will burn fat while sleeping, such a mechanism is difficult to work well when you sleep on a full stomach condition. Eating late at night will make you sleep on a full stomach. Besides can cause fat deposits in the abdomen, to sleep with a full stomach can interfere with digestion. To fix this, you can eat small meals at night and did not sleep for 3 hours after a meal.

3. Eat with a big plate

When eating, you sebainya pay attention to the size of plates used. This looks trivial, but its influence can not be underestimated. Yng A survey conducted on obese people find that they tend to choose large plate at mealtime. Large plates allows you to take more food. It can make you eat more than the body needs.

4. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep could be one reason why your weight easy to ride. When the body fails to meet adequate sleep (7-9 hours), the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) will rise. It encourages you to eat foods that contain lots of sugar.

5. Eating when sad or angry

Emotions are rising can make a person eat more. Not a few of the people who are emotionally vent his frustration on food, and this is certainly not good. Uncontrolled food intake can make fat deposits in the abdomen. Instead, you can change this bad habit by eating drinking lots of water when angry.
Overview of the Lung and illness

Overview of the Lung and illness

The lung is one of the organs of the body are of great importance, but often overlooked health. Lung tissue is a sac located above the diaphragm and below the rib cage. Lungs were soft, as well as foam rubber. In healthy conditions, generally gray lungs pink, although healthy lungs may be blackened by pollution caused by carbon particles in the air.

Between the right and left lungs have different sizes. Lung on the right side tend to be larger and shorter size. This is because the lung right side to give space for the organ located beneath the liver. As for the left side tend to be smaller and narrower because of its location close to the heart.

Lungs store air men more than women. When it breaks, lungs man can hold approximately 750 cubic centimeters of air. Whereas women are only about 285 to 393 cubic centimeters.

Dr. Jonathan Parsons, a professor at Ohio State University say that healthy people only use about 70% of lung capacity, even when performing heavy physical activity. On the other hand, the American Lung Association revealed that adult breath 15 to 20 times per minute. This means that, in a day we breathe about 20 thousand times. Although breathing seems easy, but the actual process is very complex.

Images : disehat.com

Several diseases of the lung

The lungs also may develop various diseases. Several factors are innate gene, virus, up bad habits or an unhealthy lifestyle. The problem that often arises in the lung include asthma and other adverse conditions caused by cigarettes.


Asthma is a disease of the lungs caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airways that makes it hard to breathe. This condition is triggered by allergens such as cigarette smoke or dust.

Lung cancer

In the United States, lung cancer is the cause of a major cancer deaths, and has claimed many lives, both men and women. Cancer symptoms are chest pain, shortness of breath, weight loss, coughing up blood, and a persistent cough.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

This kind of disease or commonly abbreviated as COPD is a form of lung disease that results in the long run one can not breathe smoothly because due to the degeneration of the lung or excess mucus. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are also included as COPD. About 80 percent of COPD deaths are caused by smoking. Sometimes, people with COPD will get a lung transplant or lung reimbursement obtained from an organ donor.

Lung Infection

This condition is caused by bacteria and viruses that can cause pneumonia and bronchitis. Severe infections are usually characterized by the presence of fluid in the lungs, coughing up blood, fever that does not heal, and lymph nodes.

Maintaining Healthy Lungs

Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke is one of the best ways to maintain lung health. For information, there were at least 70 of the 7,000 chemicals in cigarettes that can damage cells in the lung. In addition, regular exercise, maintaining hydration of the body, and doing breathing exercises on a regular basis is also highly recommended to keep the lungs healthy.
3 Important Nutrition For The Runners

3 Important Nutrition For The Runners

Running is one of the best exercise to burn calories and maintain health. However, for those of you who enjoyed the runner or jogging, should also be balanced with adequate nutrition. Nutrition is an important component to support the physical activity of this one. If you often run but not matched adequate nutrition, this will affect the condition and health of your body.

Images : http://www.satuharapan.com/

Important Nutrition For Runners

Many nutrients can you asup to meet the body's needs anda.Namun to support your activities, especially those who like to run, there are 3 essential nutrients that are highly recommended for your consumption, including:


Runner desperately need carbohydrate. As for how much carbohydrate is needed, it depends on how fast or far you run. Running with high intensity or running long distances with only matched by low carbohydrate intake, it is like driving a car without fuel. Although energy drinks might just help you to run farther, but carbohydrate intake comes from natural foods full of nutrition. Among the carbohydrate foods are sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, barley, and much more. Additionally, do not forget the fats and proteins needed to help repair and muscle recovery, as well as other important body functions.


Before running, make sure also that your body has been fulfilled with iron intake. Iron plays an important role to help form red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the muscles of the body. This deficiency can prevent muscles of the body in getting the optimal amount of oxygen. In contrast to carbohydrates, iron deficiency usually could gradually lead to anemia. The runners have a high risk for iron deficiency because out of the sweat. A source of food to meet the needs of the iron can be obtained from nuts, red meat, tofu, fish, and spinach. To optimize the absorption of iron, combine well with foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, strawberries, and so on.


The runners are very necessary to consume sodium. This is because sodium has two important roles during the run, which meet the needs of body fluids and make sure the liquid is consumed into the body precisely. In addition, sodium is the main electrolytes through sweat. Therefore, the runners need sodium intake before, during, and after running. In addition, the need for sodium is increasingly important when you include people who salty sweat. The characteristics of the salty sweat of people who can be known if their eyes sting as the sweat dripped into it, or have white stripes on their clothing. As for the sources of sodium that can be achieved can be found in soups, cheeses, breads, as well as energy drinks.

May be useful. Greetings healthy!

10 Recommendations For Controlling Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a condition that is complicated because there are so many factors that can affect blood sugar in your body.

Many studies have been conducted to show the best kind of food for diabetics. And when you understand how much dietary factors can affect a person against diabetes, or influence the development of a person from the disease, then you will easily understand. While the food is a key point, there are several other factors that can affect blood sugar levels.

Some Tips to Control Blood Sugar

Here is a selection or recommendation of the best things you can do to maintain or control blood glucose levels and insulin healthy, as reported by Reader's diggest's Best Health.

Images : http://tipscek.blogspot.co.id/

1. Laugh

Japanese scientists showed that laughter can be an inexpensive drug to control blood sugar at a good level. People with diabetes who watched a comedy movie after dinner known to have blood sugar levels are lower than those who watched the news boring. Do not let yourself be prolonged stress when having diabetes. Laughing at all times is certainly not a bad thing.

2. Consumption of Dairy Products

A study of 3,000 people found that overweight people who consume milk or other dairy products, 70% less likely to develop insulin resistance than those who did not. This is because the lactose, proteins, and fats in dairy products may improve blood sugar and sugar slows the conversion of food into blood sugar.

3. Fulfill Needs Magnesium

A study of women found that a high intake of magnesium may reduce the risk of diabetes by 10% overall, and approximately 20% of women are overweight. You can meet magnesium needs by eating avocados, spinach, green vegetables, nuts, and fish.

4. Consumption of Cinnamon

In a study in Pakistan, people with type 2 diabetes who consumed 1 g / 3 g / 6 g cinnamon known to decrease their blood sugar levels between 18-29% depending on the amount consumed. Certainly not difficult to find cinnamon. You can add cinnamon in coffee, tea, or yogurt.

5. Enough Sleep

Numerous studies have found that sleep deprivation has serious effects on blood sugar and insulin levels in your body. Therefore meet the needs enough sleep about 6-8 hours.

6. Crop Saturated Fats

The results of an American study involving 3,000 people suggests that you have a much higher chance of developing diabetes if you have high levels of saturated fat in your body. Therefore, avoid or at least reduce foods high in saturated fat.

7. Walking

A large-scale study in the US shows that run 2 km a day will reduce the risk of death from diabetes. In addition, the study also shows that walking 10 km in a week will also reduce the chance of death from heart disease by 34% in diabetics.

8. Consumption of Grapefruit

Indonesian people may be unfamiliar with this fruit. However grapefruit citrus fruit included in the class. This fruit may like pomelo, grapefruit but has purplish red meat and orange peel. Back to the topic of blood sugar, American researchers conducted a study of 50 obese patients were asked to eat half a grapefruit after meals for 12 weeks and compared with a group that did not eat them. Patients who eat grapefruit average weight loss of 1.6 kg. They also have insulin and glucose levels were lower after meals, suggesting a more efficient sugar metabolism.

9. Consumption of Legume

Legumes are included in the legume family. Examples of legumes or nuts are popular is peanuts, lentils, beans, green beans, red beans, peas, soybeans, and so forth. Research shows that eating 75 g of nuts a day can stabilize your blood sugar and insulin.

10. Relax the muscles of the body

One study found that after the tense muscles of the body for 10 minutes each day, then merilekskannya, can significantly improve blood sugar levels, especially in people with high blood sugar.
Want to Lose Weight? Try Diet Honey

Want to Lose Weight? Try Diet Honey

Taste sweet and delicious honey makes a lot of people liked it. In addition to taste, honey has been known for the amount of benefits provided for health. Before the known amount of benefits provided, honey is merely used as a sweetener in food. But along with the development of technology and the increase in studies to honey, honey also has begun to be used as a natural remedy as well as for beauty.

Honey has a natural ingredient that is very good for the body as antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin B, anti-bacterial, and so forth. But besides that, did you know that honey can also help you lose weight? Based on the research, you can lose weight several kilograms in three weeks by consuming one tablespoon of honey before bed.

Images : http://www.bosacemaxs.web.id/

Diet honey

Mike McInnes, founder of honey diet, as quoted from page Health Me Up, says that athletes who consume foods high in fructose such as honey are known to burn more fat in the body and also helps increase levels of stamina. Honey works as a fuel for the heart and produce glucose. Glucose is the brain makes the glucose level is high and forced him to release fat burning hormones.

If you want to get the health benefits of a diet of honey, you just need to replace the intake of sugar with honey. In addition, you are also encouraged to eat three tablespoons of honey with warm water every night before bed. Combine it with regular exercise at least three times a week and you will see weight loss is significant.

Ways of working

According to McInnes, most of us work hard to lose weight because we consume too much processed foods and sugars. When we consume honey before bed, your body will burn more fat during the early hours of sleep. When replacing the intake of sugar with honey, you would balance the brain signals that often force you to consume sweet foods.

Tips to optimize the diet of honey

1. Replace intake of sugar with honey
Avoid adding sugar in your favorite beverage such as tea. Instead, use honey in tea, coffee, cereal, or even your favorite dishes.

2. Avoid consumption of junk food
Junk food is processed food that is high in calories. To get the health benefits fully from the diet of honey, then avoid eating junk food.

3. Choose whole-wheat flour
White rice and white flour that is purified in the form of a white paste can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Instead choose whole-wheat flour as food ingredients made from wheat is not only good for digestion but also can make full for a long time.

4. Consumption of protein
Make sure you eat protein foods at each meal. This is in order to keep you satisfied for a long time. In addition, the protein also can avoid a rise in blood sugar.

5. Selectively choosing fruits
Fruits are a good choice for dieters. However, keep in mind that most fruits contain sugar levels are quite high, and this can interfere with honey diet you are doing. Therefore, you are advised to choose fruits that are low in carbohydrates such as fruit berry family.

6. Avoid potatoes
Honey diet requires you to avoid potatoes. This is because potatoes can increase your body's insulin levels.
Lose Weight With 9 Foods

Lose Weight With 9 Foods

If you want to lose weight, then one thing you have to do is better regulate eating and smart to measure the amount of calories that go with the amount burned. In addition, eating certain types of foods can also help reduce weight. There are some foods that can help you full longer, so the desire to snack is not too large. There are also foods that can aid the body's metabolism, making it quite help weight loss program that is being carried out.

Some Foods Help Lose Weight

Here are some foods that can help you lose weight, including:

Images : http://caradietcepatsehat.net/

1. Grains

Grains contain high fiber and take a long time to digest. This means eating grain will give a sense of satiety for longer and prevents you from overeating. One group suggested grain to eat is beans. In addition to cheap and filling, beans contain protein which is nice and needed by the body.

2. Soups

Initiate your lunch with a serving of soup was the right step. Soup will increase your energy and quite filling. It does not matter what you eat soup, either watery or thick, as long as the soup containing meat broth. The recommended intake is 100 to 150 calories per serving. So, try not to add butter or cream.

3. Dark Chocolate

If you want you can enjoy chocolate between meals. But choose dark chocolate than milk chocolate. This is in line with a study that found that people who were given dark chocolate known to eat pizza 15% fewer hours later, than those who choose chocolate milk.

4. Eggs and Sausage

Breakfast with high protein foods can help you eat less at the next hour. A study involving a group of young obese women, found that those who mengasup 35 grams of protein at breakfast time tend to quickly feel full. The amount of calories they consume at breakfast was 350 calories, including eggs and sausage beef. The protein-rich breakfast give full effect long enough, and last much longer when they limit their intake of sweets and fatty foods as compared to the women who started the day by eating cereal.